Uracanthus strigosus Pascoe 1875
(Figs 45, 83, 107)
Uracanthus strigosus Pascoe, 1875: 62.— French, 1911: 67, pl. cxi, Fig.6; Aurivilius, 1912:
147; Lea, 1916: 384; McKeown, 1947: 66; Duffy, 1963:117; Monné, 2005: 660.
Male. Body length, 15.26–22.93 mm; width, 2.98–4.5 mm.
Colour (Fig. 45). Body reddish brown with head, prothorax and basal 1/3 of elytra often darker. Head with fairly dense yellowish pubescence. Pronotal disc with 4 longitudinal stripes of yellowish pubescence: 2 wider and denser ones on sides and 2 narrower and sparser ones between the former; each side of pronotum with a longitudinal stripe of dense pubescence near ventral side; ventral surface of prothorax with fairly dense white pubescence. Each elytron with 4 longitudinal stripes of dense yellowish white pubescence; the two closer to suture appearing to merge into one from basal 1/3 or middle to apex. Mid and hind femora with very dense, brush-like brownish hairs on ventral side. Abdomen with fairly dense yellowish pubescence; each of visible sternites 1–3 with a medial tuft of very dense brownish hairs. Body colour may vary from reddish brown to blackish. Pubescence colour may vary from whitish to greyish. Specimens from Queensland are darker than those from New South Wales.
Head. Postclypeus semicircular to subtriangular and flattened, with fine punctures; frontoclypeal suture deep and narrow in middle; distance between lower lobes of eyes 2.06–2.21 × as long as distance between upper lobes of eyes; distance between upper lobes of eyes 0.77–0.85 × as long as distance between eyes on ventral side; genal length 0.31–0.41 × as long as head width immediately below eyes. Antennae slightly shorter than body; segments 4–10 slightly produced on one side at apex.
Thorax and abdomen. Pronotum 1.12–1.30 × as long as width, with a strongly raised conical process at each side; posterior margin 1.17–1.44 × as wide as anterior margin; pronotal disc weakly binodulose in middle area; disc and side strongly rugose transversely. Scutellum semicircular, with dense pubescence. Elytra 3.87– 4.61 × as long as prothorax and 3.64–4.05 × as long as shoulder width, with coarse punctures in basal 1/3, gradually diminishing toward apex; apex bispinose with marginal spine much longer. The apical spines of elytra may vary from long to short. Apex of terminal sternite slightly emarginate.
Male terminalia. Apex of ventral median lobe emarginate and apex of dorsal lobe narrowly rounded or slightly pointed; ventral lobe longer than dorsal lobe; spined region of internal sac divided into two sections: first section longer than unspined gap between first and second sections, with fairly dense short simple spines; second section about as long as first section, with sparse short simple spines (Fig. 83a). Eighth sternite obliquely truncate or more or less rounded at side, clearly emarginate at apex, with sparse long setae arising terminally; ventral surface with cloud-like processes (Fig. 83b). Eighth tergite shallowly emarginate at apex; dorsal surface with fairly dense short simple spines and multi-branched spines in basal area (Fig. 83c). Paramere 1.96–1.98 × as long as wide, cylindrical in shape, apex rounded with long and short setae (Fig. 83d).
Female. Body length, 19.82–22.19 mm; width, 3.56–4.63 mm.
Antennae distinctly shorter than body; femora without brownish brush-like hairs and visible sternites without medial tufts of very dense brownish hairs.
Ovipositor and spermatheca. Ovipositor relatively long; styli arising terminally with short and long hairs (Fig. 83e). Spermatheca curved, particularly near apex; spermathecal gland short and arising at basal 1/3 (Fig. 83f)
Northeastern and southeastern Queensland, eastern New South Wales, southern and central Victoria, northern South Australia, and southwestern Western Australia (Fig. 107). This species was accidentally introduced to Ecuador (Monné 2005).
Known hosts are Acacia spp, Helichrysum ferrugineum, Melaleuca uncinata and Casuarina sp. Adults were collected from October to April, and attracted to light.
This species resembles U. albatus but differs in having the pronotal disc with 4 longitudinal stripes of pubescence on the disc; pubescent stripes close to the elytral suture tending to merge from middle towards the apex.
Material examined
Holotype. ♀. NSW: Rope’s Creek, Pascoe Coll. 93-60, bearing circular type label, and Pascoe’s handwriting of the species names (BMNH).
Other material examined. 59 ♂, 41 ♀. QLD: 1 ♂, Toowoomba, 1.x.1928, W. B. Branard (QDPI); 1 ♂, 5 ♀, Yuleba SF Site 1 (26°58'S, 149°44'E), 270 m, Cypress / Box, 8–10.iii.2002, MV light, Monteith & Wright (QM); 1 ♀, 330 m, Barakula (26°26'S, 150°31'E), 17–18.xii.2001, MV light, Monteith & Wright (QM); 1 ♂, Lake Broadwater (27°21'S, 151°07'E) via Dalby, Gravel Ridge, 12.ii.1985, to light, M. Benie (QM); 1 ♂, same locality but 23.ii.1986, MV light, G. B. Monteith & G. Thompson (QM); 1 ♀, Mt. Moffat National Park (25°01'S, 147°57'E), Top Moffat Camp, 13–15.xii.1987, Monteith, Thompson & Yeates (QM); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, 520 m, Wonga Hills site 3 (26°04'S, 150°49'E), 11.xii.2001, MV light, vine scrub, Monteith, Cook & Wright (QM); 1 ♂, Blackdown Tablelands and Staney Ck. Via Dinge, 17–19.xii.1985, at light, S. Hamlet (QM); 1 ♂, 24 km N. Tinaroo Dam (17°09'S, 145°33'E), 10–11.xii.1999, at MV light, A. E. Wart (QM); 1 ♂, Bulimba (16°52'S, 143°29'E), 1.vii.1923 (UQIC); 1 ♂, Miles (26°39'S, 150°11'E), 12.i.1939, N. Geary (AM); 1 ♀, Condamine (26°55'S, 150°08'E), 6.ii.1939, N. Geary (AM); 1 ♀, Roma (26°34'S, 148°47'E), 28.iii.1957, E. F. Riek (ANIC); 1 ♂, Tambourine (27°52'S, 153°07'E) (UQIC). NSW: 1 ♂, Rope’s Creek (QM); 1 ♂, same locality but 29.ix.1913, in wattle nut, W. du B. (SAM); 1 ♀, same locality but (MAM); 1 ♀, Sydney, H. W. Cox (WADA); 2 ♀, same as above but (NMV); 1 ♂, Grose Vale, 27.ix.1985, J. A. Humphreys (ASCU); 1 ♂, Mangrove Mt., 6.xi.1960, Mosse and Robinson (ASCU); 1 ♀, Clarence, Blue Mt, 12.ii.1979, N.W. Rodd (AM); 1 ♀, Bombala (AM); 1 ♂, Mogriguy (32°03'S, 148°39'E), 9.ii.1981, R. H. Mulder Collection (AM); 1 ♂, Mt. Kaputar (30°16'S, 150°10'E), Bullawa Creek, 28.xi.1984, George Hangay (MAM); 1 ♀, NSW (WADA); 1 ♂, 20 miles SW of Singleton, NSW, 12.xi.1968, no abdomen, I. F. B. Common (ANIC); 1 ♀, Yarras, 27.xi.1964 (ANIC); 1 ♂, Colo Vale, 21.v.1900 (AM). VIC: 1 ♀, Bright (36°43'S, 146°57'E), Coll. no. I. 5485 (SAM); 3 ♂, 1 ♀, Melton (37°40'S, 144°34'E), 28.iii.1920, on Casuarina, F. E. Wilson, F. E. Wilson Collection (NMV); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, same locality but (VAIC); 1 ♀, same locality but (AM); 1 ♂, Kiata (36°21'S, 141°47'E), i.1928, bred from Melaleuca uncinata, F. E. Wilson Collection (NMV); 1 ♀, Walpeup (35°08'S, 142°20'E), 25.x.1984, light trap (VAIC); 1 ♂, Birchip (35°58'S, 142°54'E), x.1902, det. Lea (NMV); 1 ♂, Victoria (AM); 1 ♀, 7.vi.1937, Coll. no. I 5485 (SAM); 1 ♂, Victoria, 15.v.1916, D. Bcatly (NMV); 1 ♀, You Yangs (37°56'S, 144°26'E), C. Oke (NMV); 1 ♂, Grampians (37°08'S, 142°21'E), 1400ft., Wannon Dividing, Vic., 8.ii.1956, no abdomen, I. F. B. Common (ANIC); 1 ♂, 17 NW Orbost (37°42'S, 148°27'E), Vic, 8.xii.1955, no abdomen, E. F. Riek (ANIC); 1 ♀, Wyperfeld (35°33'S, 142°07'E), Vic, i.1974, GWA (ANIC); 1 ♂, 4 ♀, N Mallee, Dixon, 1917 (NMV); 1 ♀, 5 miles W of Jeparit (36°08'S, 141°59'E), VIC, 4.ii.1956, I. F. B. Common (ANIC); 1 ♂, Big Desert, Broken Bucket Crown Land Res. 7.iii.1975, UV light, P. B. McQuillan (SAM); 1 ♀, Vic, 4.vi.1908 (ANIC). SA: 3 ♂, Glenmanyie Bore (30°50'S, 140°34'E), E of Lake Frome, 28.ix.1975, at light, sand ridges with black oak Acacia, P. Aitken & T. F. Houston (SAM); 2 ♂, 15 km W Sturt Vale Stn. (35°29'S, 138°59'E), 17.xi.1975, at light, G. F. Gross (SAM); 1 ♂, 185 km S Radium Hill, 3.x.1926, on powerline track, at light, P. Aitken (SAM); 1 ♂, 10 km NW Emu Junc. (28°38'S, 132°12'E), Great Victoria Desert., 10.x.1976, at light, J. A. Herridge & G. F. Gross (SAM); 1 ♀, ‘ Kurlge’ Blackwood, 860ft, 1.x.1956, at MV light, N. B. Tindale (SAM); 1 ♂, nr Morgan, xi.1954, F. J. Mitchell (SAM); 1 ♀, Wirrabara, xi.(no year) (SAM); 1 ♀, no data, SA, no abdomen (SAM). WA: 1 ♂, 4 km W of Hyden, 29.i.1993, E. D. Edward & E. S. Nielsen (ANIC); 1 ♀, no data, det by Lea, no abdomen (ANIC); 1 ♂, Wialki, 6.x.1983, R. P. McMillan (WAM); 5 ♂, 7.5 km SE of Banjiwarn HS (27°42'S, 121°37'E), 24.iii. 1979, T. F. Houston et. al. (WAM); 1 ♂, Binnu, 2.ii.1965, M. de. Graaf (WAM); 1 ♂, Condingup, E of Esperance, 27.i.1977, A. M. & M. J. Douglas (WAM); 1 ♂, 10 km W by SW of Point Malcolm (33°48'S, 123°48'E), 15–18.i.1982, B. Hanich & T. F. Houston (WAM); 1 ♂, Fitzgerald River Nation Park (33°47'S, 119°45'E), 5.i.1986, MV lamp, no abdomen, G. & A. Daniels (UQIC). Locality unknown: 3 ♀, Coll. no. 3455, Relton Bequest (QM); 2 ♂, ex Casuarina, 1.ii.1911 (NMV); 1 ♀, same as above but ix.1911 (AM); 2 ♀, same as above but xi.1912 (NMV); 1 ♂, same as above but (NMV); 1 ♂, same as above but (NMV); 1 ♂, same as above but xii.1908 (NMV); 1 ♂, same as above but xi.1908 (NMV); 1 ♂, same as above but i.1907 (NMV); 1 ♂, same as above but ii.1914 (NMV); 1 ♂, same as above but iii.1918 (NMV); 1 ♂, no data (NMV).
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- Journal article: http://publication.plazi.org/id/BD04A300A46AFF9AF108FFB5CE0DCF69 (URL)
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- https://sibils.text-analytics.ch/search/collections/plazi/413DDB78A45EFFACF19FFA0ACF87C8FB (URL)
- Collection code
- Event date
- 1900-05-21 , 1908-06-04 , 1911-02-01 , 1913-09-29 , 1916-05-15 , 1920-03-28 , 1923-07-01 , 1926-10-03 , 1928-10-01 , 1937-06-07 , 1939-01-12 , 1939-02-06 , 1955-12-08 , 1956-02-04 , 1956-02-08 , 1956-10-01 , 1957-03-28 , 1960-11-06 , 1964-11-27 , 1965-02-02 , 1968-11-12 , 1975-03-07 , 1975-09-28 , 1975-11-17 , 1976-10-10 , 1977-01-27 , 1979-02-12 , 1979-03-24 , 1981-02-09 , 1982-01-15 , 1983-10-06 , 1984-10-25 , 1984-11-28 , 1985-02-12 , 1985-09-27 , 1985-12-17 , 1986-01-05 , 1986-02-23 , 1987-12-13 , 1993-01-29 , 1999-12-10 , 2001-12-11 , 2001-12-17 , 2002-03-08
- Family
- Cerambycidae
- Genus
- Uracanthus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Pascoe
- Species
- strigosus
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype
- Verbatim event date
- 1900-05-21 , 1908-06-04 , 1911-02-01 , 1913-09-29 , 1916-05-15 , 1920-03-28 , 1923-07-01 , 1926-10-03 , 1928-10-01 , 1937-06-07 , 1939-01-12 , 1939-02-06 , 1955-12-08 , 1956-02-04 , 1956-02-08 , 1956-10-01 , 1957-03-28 , 1960-11-06 , 1964-11-27 , 1965-02-02 , 1968-11-12 , 1975-03-07 , 1975-09-28 , 1975-11-17 , 1976-10-10 , 1977-01-27 , 1979-02-12 , 1979-03-24 , 1981-02-09 , 1982-01-15/18 , 1983-10-06 , 1984-10-25 , 1984-11-28 , 1985-02-12 , 1985-09-27 , 1985-12-17/19 , 1986-01-05 , 1986-02-23 , 1987-12-13/15 , 1993-01-29 , 1999-12-10/11 , 2001-12-11 , 2001-12-17/18 , 2002-03-08/10
- Taxonomic concept label
- Uracanthus strigosus Pascoe, 1875 sec. Thongphak & Wang, 2007
- Pascoe, F. P. (1875) Notes on Coleoptera, with descriptions of new genera and species. Part III. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 15, 59 - 73.
- French, C. (1911) A Handbook of Destructive Insects of Victoria, with Notes on the Methods of Prevention and Extirpatation, Part V. Government Printer, Melbourne, 169 pp.
- Lea, A. M. (1916) Notes on some miscellaneous Coleoptera with descriptions of new species, Part II. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 40, 272 - 436.
- McKeown, K. C. (1947) Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Australia. Memoirs of the Australia Museum, 10, 1 - 190.
- Duffy, E. A. J. (1963) A Monograph of Immature Stages of Australian Timber Beetles (Cerambycidae), Bristish Museum (Natural History), London, 235 pp.
- Monne, M. A. (2005) Catalogue of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of the Neotropical Region. Part I. Subfamily Cerambycinae. Zootaxa, 946, 1 - 765.