Published January 19, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

"G-D's Physics" is Seeking the Next "Eddington's" for Further Validation of Its New Twenty-First Century Scientific Paradigm!

  • 1. Zefat Academic Colloge, Zefat, Israel


Twenty-First Century Physics is currently undergoing a major "Paradigmatic-Shift" from the Old "Material-Causal Random" (MCR) underlying General Relativity Theory (GRT) & Quantum Mechanics (QM) to the New "G-D's Physics" Scientific Paradigm! This follows the appearance of a "Paradigmatic- Crisis" of the Old MCR Paradigm signified by a basic "theoretical inconsistency" between GRT & QM, and a principle inability to explain the accelerated expansion of the universe (e.g., assumed to be caused by purely hypothetical "dark-matter"/"dark-energy" concepts which failed to be detected experimentally even after two full decades of intensive experimentation?!) In contrast the New "G-D's Physics" Scientific Paradigm is shown capable of resolving the apparent GRT-QM inconsistency, and offers an alternative (satisfactory) explanation for this accelerated universe's expansion based on its discovery of a singular higher-ordered "Universal Computational/Consciousness Principle" (UCP) that simultaneously computes every exhaustive spatial pixel in the universe at the incredible rate of "c2/h" = 1.36-50 sec'! thereby producing an extremely rapid series of "Universal Frames" (UF's)! Based on Kuhn's famous analysis of the "Structure of Scientific Revolutions" "G-D's Physics" is shown to empirically validate two of its (unique) "Critical Predictions": pertaining to the "Universe's Non-Continuous Increase in its Accelerated Rate of Expansion" (UNCIARE, associated with the Jewish Rosh Hashanah's "Collective Human Consciousness Focus", CHCF) and the "Proton-Radius Puzzle", as more valid than the corresponding predictions of GRT & QM thereby "crowning" "G-D's Physics" as the New (valid) Scientific Paradigm for 21st Century Physics! Some of the far-reaching theoretical implications of "G-D's Physics" (first of its kind) complete unification of the Four basic Physical Features and Four Forces, negation of the "Big-Bang" Model, and offering of a "Six Day Creation Model" based on the centrality of Earth's "CHCF" as the "functional center" of the universe(!) are discussed. A Call for the "next Eddington's" who could further validate "G-D's Physics" additional list of unique "Critical Predictions" is made by directly contacting Dr. Bentovish (at: thereby further substantiating "G-D's Physics" as the New Scientific Paradigm for Twenty-First Century Theoretical Physics!


G-D's Physics-is-Seeking-the-Next-Eddington's-for Further-Validation-of-Its -New-Twenty-First-Century-Scientific-Paradigm!-2024.pdf

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