Systemic proteome adaptions to 7-day complete caloric restriction in humans
- 1. Berlin Institute of Health, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
- 2. University of Cambridge
- 3. Public Health England
We conducted a proteomic experiment among 12 healthy volunteers (5 women, 7 men) participating in a 7-day water-only fast. About 3000 proteins were measured using the Olink Explore 3072 Technology from plasma samples drawn daily under the intervention, as well as two days before and three days thereafter. The data provided here have been prepared according to what has been reported in this publication (link to be added), which you need to cite when publishing with this data.
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By downloading any of the data provided, you agree to the following conditions.
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These data are provided on an “as-is” basis, without warranty of any type, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any warranty as to their performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose.
Investigators will use these results for scientific research and educational use only, use for commercial businesses is not permitted.
Investigators will not include these results in meta-analyses of any kind for single or more entities (protein targets/metabolites) without explicit written consent and/ or a collaborative agreement with the respective data owners (corresponding author(s)).
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All data is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
Data provided
We provide two files.
'Fasting.proteomics.Olink.Explore.label.20240109.txt' contains basic informations about assayed protein targets, including protein encoding genes. The column 'OlinkID' refers to the entries in the data set and 'Assay' contains the name of the protein. Please note that some proteins have been measured multiple times.
'Fasting.proteomics.Olink.Explore.20240109.txt' contains NPX values (log2 scale) for a total of 2941 Olink Assays targeting 2923 unique proteins. Missing values are coded as 'NA'. There are two columns providing unique identifiers for each sample. 'Participant' is a randomly generated ID indicating from which participant the sample has been drawn, and 't.point' indicates the timepoint (days) at which the sample has been drawn. The timepoints -2 and 0 mark measurements before the fasting intervention, 1-7 measurements during the intervention (all morning samples), and 10 marks 3 days after participants resumed eating. Please see the related publication or the study design below for more details.
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- olink_fasting_proteomics
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- olink_fasting_proteomics