Published January 30, 2024 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Data used for "Assessing spatiotemporal change in coral reef social-ecological systems"

  • 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Athens, GA 30605 (USA);


Coral reef data used for Eason, T. and Garmestani, A. S., Assessing spatiotemporal change in coral reef ecosystems. Under Review (Ecology and Society)

The raw data was gathered from a coral bleaching study performed by Sully et al (2019).  In our current study, we used data spanning from 2003-2016.  We amalgamated station names and associated data when the station locations (latitude and longitude) remained essentially the same, but were named slightly different from year to year.      

Reference:  Sully S, Burkepile DE, Donovan MK, Hodgson G, van Woesik R. A global analysis of coral bleaching over the past two decades. Nat Commun. 2019;10(1):1264


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  • Sully S, Burkepile DE, Donovan MK, Hodgson G, van Woesik R. A global analysis of coral bleaching over the past two decades. Nat Commun. 2019;10(1):1264