Published January 16, 2024 | Version 1.0
Model Open

Artificial Toolset for Forecasting


Artificial Toolset for Forecasting

The purpose of the ATF (Artificial Toolset for Forecasting) constitutes an integral part of the toolset developed in TERMINET PROJECT funded by the EU in the context of HORIZON EUROPE.
The aim is to forecast future milk product sales for a 4-week interval and hence enable milk products producers and distributors to make more informed decisions in terms of production and stocking.
In doing so, the tool is utilizing the LSTM ANN algorithm's potential for time-series forecasting. 

ATF is essentially a time-series forecasting tool that trains an LSTM ANN using past sales data of milk products. 
Thereafter, the model is tested on an unseen validation set of data to assess its performance in terms of RMSE (root mean squared error).
A simple baseline model, and more specifically, a persitence baseline(4-weeks shift of the timeseries) is also generated and the LSTM's RMSE is compared to that of the baseline to assess the performance.
Finally, a 4-week forecast into the future is also made that predicts the daily sales of a milk product. 
Graphs of the input data, baseline-model validation set & predictions and the LSTM's validation set & predictions are also generated. 

The ATF requests a CSV file that is of the following format:[Date(yyyy/mm/dd), Milk_Product_Sales(integer or decimal)].
The tool is trained on 80% of the data provided and tested on the 20%. Thereafter, it makes a 4-week forecast into the future for the dates following the last date present in the provided csv file.
If no csv file is found when running the app, the algorithm will create artificial(dummy) data that resemble real-world milk product sales data, for demonstration purposes.

The respective RMSE scores of the baseline model and the LSTM model
The original dataset's line graph
The baseline model's test data and predictions line graph
The LSTM ANN model's test data and predictions line graph + the 4-week forecast into the future


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European Commission
TERMINET – nexT gEneRation sMart INterconnectEd ioT 957406