Published January 15, 2024 | Version v1
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AGRIGEP FACT SHEET_3_Stakeholders engagement in Widening countries

  • 1. AGRIGEP Project


The term "Widening countries" refers to the countries that have recently joined the European Union. These countries have lower research and innovation rates, which makes it difficult for them to contribute fully to a knowledge-based and innovation-driven EU. This category has evolved over time based on the ranking of EU member states in the European competitiveness reports. Under Horizon Europe, the Widening category includes EU-13 countries, Greece, and Portugal, along with EU's outermost regions and 14 associate countries from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Northern Africa.


Despite their diversity, Central and Eastern European countries share several challenges in terms of research intensiveness and gender equality. Widening countries, in general, and those from CEE, score below the EU average on gender equality indexes. The current situation of gender inequality in each country depends on socially and historically constructed local arrangements, as well as recent political processes such as the transition from authoritarian rule or state socialism, and Europeanisation. This largely accounts for the variety of gender equality regimes in the EU, as well as different R&I settings in terms of (infra)structures, fields of specialisation, or work cultures.


AGRIGEP FACT SHEET_3_Stakeholders engagement in Widening countries_Final.pdf

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AGRIGEP – Assessment and implementation of Agriculture and Life Science Universities’ first Gender Equality Plans in widening countries 101094158
European Commission

