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Published January 12, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

OPUS Deliverable 3.1: Indicators and Metrics to Test in the Pilots

  • 1. Technopolis Group


This report is deliverable D3.1 of the OPUS project on Indicators and Metrics to Test in the Pilots. The report proposes a first draft of a researcher assessment framework (RAF) to assess researchers in an academic context. This includes assessing researchers applying for positions at a research-performing organisation (RPO), assessing researchers in their career development and progression at an RPO, and assessing project applications and progression by researchers at an RPO or research-funding organisation (RFO). The framework includes an Open Science dimension, whereby Open Science practices are explicitly recognised and rewarded. The implementation of the framework is supported by accompanying interventions for RPOs and RFOs, which are described in deliverable D2.1 of OPUS on Interventions to Test in the Pilots. Selected indicators/metrics from the framework and related interventions will be tested in pilots at 3 RPOs and 2 RFOs in OPUS.

The RAF builds on key policy developments in research assessment and Open Science as identified in deliverable D1.2 of OPUS on State-of-the-Art on an Open Science Ecosystem:

● San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)

● Leiden Manifesto for Research Metrics

● Hong Kong Principles

● Recommendations by the Open Science Policy Platform (OSSP)

● Recommendations on Science and Scientific Researchers and Open Science

● Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment

● Research Evaluation in a Context of Open Science and Gender Equality

● Conclusions on Research Assessment and Implementation of Open Science

● European Framework for Research Careers including European Charter for Researchers

The RAF also builds on key frameworks in research assessment and Open Science with a focus on developing new indicators/metrics and supporting Open Science as identified in D1.2:

● Researcher Development Framework (RDF)

● Evaluation of Research Careers Fully Acknowledging Open Science Practices

● Next-generation Metrics

● Recommendations of the OSPP on Next-Generation Metrics

● Mutual Learning Exercise on Open Science on Altmetrics and Rewards

● Open Science Monitor

● Indicator Frameworks for Fostering Open Knowledge Practices in Science and Scholarship

● A Pathway towards Multidimensional Academic Careers

The RAF further builds on key recommendations for a framework for researcher assessment from D1.2 which incorporates the recognition and reward of Open Science practices by researchers:

● Develop a comprehensive RAF of indicators/metrics for RPOs and RFOs

● Include both research and non-research activities by researchers in the RAF

● Include both a generic and Open Science approach to assessment in the RAF

● Include both a quantitative and qualitative approach to assessment in the RAF

● Integrate relevant indicators/metrics from existing frameworks into the RAF

The RAF has been developed in close collaboration with key stakeholders in research assessment and Open Science. This includes project partners and especially the pilot organisations1 which are already implementing researcher assessment and Open Science and will pilot the RAF in OPUS. This also includes members of the Advisory Board2 in OPUS and key external stakeholders3 as identified in D1.1 of OPUS on State-of-the-Art on an Ecosystem for Open Science. This lastly includes the GraspOS project and other relevant stakeholders4. This first draft of the RAF will be further developed in iterations, including testing and feedback from the pilots, targeted feedback from key stakeholders, and an open consultation with the wider research community.

The RAF consists of a framework to reform researcher assessment and incentivise and reward Open Science linked to the full spectrum of activities carried out by researchers. The RAF essentially offers a wide range of indicators/metrics for RPOs and RFOs to develop new or update existing researcher assessment frameworks. The RAF is divided into 4 main categories for research, education, leadership, and valorisation activities, which are further subdivided into relevant subcategories consisting of specific groups of indicators/metrics. The RAF is furthermore divided into generic and open dimensions, whereby the indicators/metrics are either related to activities not specified in terms of openness or related to activities focused specifically on Open Science. The framework is intended to be universally applicable across countries, across disciplines, and across organisations, whereby RPOs and RFOs can tailor the framework to their own interests and needs.

The report begins with the guiding principles behind the RAF and describes the overall structure and implementation of the RAF at RPOs and RFOs in Section 2. The report next presents the generic RAF and lists the generic indicators/metrics for researcher assessment at RPOs and RFOs in Section 3. The report then presents the Open Science RAF and lists the indicators/metrics to recognise and reward Open Science practices in researcher assessment at RPOs and RFOs in Section 4. The report lastly offers conclusions and next steps for OPUS in Section 5 and provides the full RAF with all generic and Open Science indicators/metrics in table format in Appendix 1.



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European Commission
OPUS – Open Universal Science 101058471
UK Research and Innovation
OPUS - Open Universal Science 10054677




  • Webpage of the Open Universal Science (OPUS) project on CORDIS hosted by the European Commission. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • Day, Emma (2023) Interventions to Test in the Pilots. Deliverable D2.1 of the Open Universal Science (OPUS) project. To be published in 2023.
  • Huntingford, Jessica, Juliana Chaves Chaparro, John Crowley, Emma Day, Katarina Haluskova, Fleur Lebhardt, Dragana Mitrovic, and Gareth O'Neill (2023) Initial State-of-the-Art on an Open Science Ecosystem. Deliverable D1.2 of the Open Universal Science (OPUS) project. To be published in 2023.
  • Website of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • Website of the Leiden Manifesto for Research Metrics. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • Webpage of the Hong Kong Principles hosted by the World Conference on Research Integrity Foundation (WCRIF). Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) (2018) OSPP-REC. Open Science Policy Platform Recommendations. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) (2017) Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers. Annex II of the Records of the 39th Session of the UNESCO General Conference. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) (2021) Recommendation on Open Science. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • Webpage of the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment hosted by the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC) Triangle Task Force (2021) Research Evaluation in a Context of Open Science and Gender Equality. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • European Council (2022) Council Conclusions on Research Assessment and Implementation of Open Science. Conclusions adopted by the European Council at European Council Meeting 3877 in June 2022. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • European Commission (2023) Technical Document on a European Framework for Research Careers. Unpublished document for the European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC) Plenary Meeting in February 2023.
  • Vitae (2011) Researcher Development Framework. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • O'Carroll, Conor, Cecilia Cabello Valdés, Fulvio Esposito, Eeva Kaunismaa, Karen Maas, David McAllister, Janet Metcalfe, Bernard Rentier, and Karen Vandevelde (2017) Evaluation of Research Careers Fully Acknowledging Open Science Practices. Rewards, Incentives, and/or Recognition for Researchers Practising Open Science. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • Wilsdon, James, Judit Bar-Ilan, Robert Frodeman, Elisabeth Lex, Isabella Peters, and Paul Wouters (2017) Next-generation Metrics. Responsible Metrics and Evaluation for Open Science. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • Rossel, Christophe, Marta Dias Agostinho, Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen, Ernst Kristiansen, Rebecca Lawrence, Sabina Leonelli, Natalia Manola, Eva Méndez, and Michela Vignoli (2017) Recommendations of the OSPP on Next-Generation Metrics. Presentation by the Altmetrics Working Group of the Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) in November 2017. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • Webpage of the Open Science Monitor hosted by the European Commission. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • Wouters, Paul, Alis Oancea, Ismael Ràfols Garcia, James Holbrook, Merle Jacob, and Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin (2019) Indicator Frameworks for Fostering Open Knowledge Practices in Science and Scholarship. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • League of European Research Universities (LERU) (2022) A Pathway towards Multidimensional Academic Careers. A LERU Framework for the Assessment of Researchers. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • Huntingford, Jessica, Brian Cahill, Sebastian Dahle, Emma Day, and Raquel Vega (2023) Initial State-of-the-Art on Open Science Initiatives. Deliverable D1.1 of the Open Universal Science (OPUS) project. To be published in 2023.
  • Webpage of the Next Generation Research Assessment to Promote Open Science (GraspOS) project on CORDIS hosted by the European Commission. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • Wilkinson, Mark, Michel Dumontier, IJsbrand Aalbersberg, Gabrielle Appleton, Myles Axton, Arie Baak, Niklas Blomberg, Jan-Willem Boiten, Luiz Bonino da Silva Santos, Philip Bourne, Jildau Bouwman, Anthony Brookes, Tim Clark, Mercè Crosas, Ingrid Dillo, Olivier Dumon, Scott Edmunds, Chris Evelo, Richard Finkers, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, Alasdair Gray, Paul Groth, Carole Goble, Jeffrey Grethe, Jaap Heringa, Peter 't Hoen, Rob Hooft, Tobias Kuhn, Ruben Kok, Joost Kok, Scott Lusher, Maryann Martone, Albert Mons, Abel Packer, Bengt Persson, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Marco Roos, Rene van Schaik, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Erik Schultes, Thierry Sengstag, Ted Slater, George Strawn, Morris Swertz, Mark Thompson, Johan van der Lei, Erik van Mulligen, Jan Velterop, Andra Waagmeester, Peter Wittenburg, Katherine Wolstencroft, Jun Zhao, and Barend Mons (2016) FAIR Guiding Principles for Scientific Data Management and Stewardship. Scientific Data. Volume 3. Article Number 160018. Link: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.
  • Webpage on the Principles and Implementation of Plan S hosted by cOAlition S: []. Accessed 12 January 2024.