Published January 10, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Cross-ecosystem categorization: A manual-curation protocol for the categorization of Java Maven libraries along Python PyPI Topics (dataset)

  • 1. ROR icon University of Trento
  • 2. ROR icon Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


This dataset reports all information needed to implement a human-guided protocol for the categorisation of libraries, from any software ecosystem, along the 24 top-level PyPI Topic classifiers. It also contains the data produced in a demonstration, where the protocol was applied to 256 open-source Java libraries from Maven Central with high- or critical-severity CVEs. This dataset can be used as ground truth for cross-ecosystem studies in software engineering, especially from functional and security perspectives. This dataset contains:

  • the protocol designed to interpret sources for category assessment, and arbitrate the results;
  • the sources and metadata, including CVEs, collected for the demonstration;
  • the set of categorised libraries and CVE statistics, including a higher-level classification into Local or Remote network functionalities.



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