Mass Media in the State Information Resources System of Ukraine
- 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
The purpose of the article is to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the issue related to the activities of domestic mass media as components of the State information resources of Ukraine, which together form the State information policy.
Objectives of the article. The article is aimed at highlighting the problematic issue raised, which, due to the goal and objectives set out, will provide an opportunity to conduct a systematic analysis of the activities of the mass media as components of the State information resources of Ukraine.
The presentation of the proposed material in the scientific article is aimed at solving the following tasks:
− to outline the general approaches of the State information policy of Ukraine in the field of mass media;
− to reflect the current state of activity of the national mass media with certain parallels with foreign analogues in the field of mass media;
− to determine the range of problematic issues that currently exist in our country in the field of the information industry;
− to formulate proposals for solving problematic aspects in the activities of the national mass media.
Research methods. Given the purpose and objectives of the research, general scientific methods were used, in particular, systematic analysis and synthesis, which made it possible to comprehensively consider the issues raised. Some special methods were used, such as observation, description, comparison, modelling, etc., which served to specify the coverage of the problematic aspects of the national information policy and the place of the mass media, in particular the mass press, in it. The method of generalisation made it possible to systematically, consistently and reasonably formulate the conclusions of the research. It is determined that the methodological toolkit in shaping the foundations of the State information policy is the development of clear and transparent rules that are understandable to all subjects of public relations in building information interaction between the public and the authorities. Such communication can build a specific strategic goal aimed at promoting and establishing a democratic government with the development of a highly organized society as a subject of legal relations and at the same time a consumer of information services.
The scientific novelty lies in the theoretical generalisation of the problems of the modern domestic state information policy, which is partially implemented through the mass media based on its priorities’ analysis, as well as the study of the essence and methods of organizing various forms of public communications. The author emphasizes that the mass media are a certain component of the general state policy of Ukraine as a well-coordinated, stable, well-organised activity of public authorities on a particular issue or set of tasks which it provides directly or indirectly, influencing the life of Ukrainian society.
Conclusions. The conducted systematic analysis of the research problem allows us to formulate conclusions that the national information policy serves as a systemically formative element between the activities of the state and its government institutions, as well as society in the form of a public dialogue between the authorities through the media. The correct construction of the national information policy in general allows our state to successfully promote its information and political projects, providing competitive advantages over the projects of other political forces and actors involved in this social process. It is emphasised that the problems of various aspects of the activities faced by the domestic media significantly complicate their effective work. Specific ways of solving these problematic issues are proposed to raise the prestige of our country in the international arena with its entry into the global information space.
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