Published December 25, 2023 | Version Innovation The Research Concept
Journal article Open

Green finance: A study on its awareness among the bank employees of Assam

  • 1. Gauhati Commerce College Guwahati,Assam, India
  • 2. Gauhati Commerce College Guwahati, Assam, India


This paper has been published in Peer-reviewed International Journal "Innovation The Research Concept"                     


Publisher : Social Research Foundation, Kanpur (SRF International) 

Abstract :  The changing global scenario of the 21st century calls for sustainable development Owing to the growing environmental concerns. Due to Global warming, it becomes imperative to adopt renewable and clean energy sources. This is the reason, green finance i.e. financing of investments that provide environmental benefits in the broader context of environmentally sustainable development, is important not only from the business point of view but also for environmental science. Sustainable growth requires financing; therefore Green Finance has become need of the hour.The main aim of Green Finance is to attract investment in green projects, increase return on investment on such projects and discourage polluting investments. In order to achieve non zero emission country by 2070, to expand the energy capacity not coming from fossil fuels to 500 GW by 2030 and to cut the carbon intensity of economy by 45% by 2030, green finance is very important. In this study, researcher has focused on to understand the need, benefits and various instruments of green finance and the level of awareness that the employees of the banks have on green finance to make its customer aware about the fact and the various steps taken by the banks to spread the awareness among its customers to invest in green finance related projects.


Green Finance A Study on Its Awareness among The Bank Employees of Assam.pdf

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Journal article: 2456-5474 (ISSN)




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