Terebra hungarica Halavats 1884
- 1. Natural History Museum Vienna, Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria mathias. harzhauser @ nhm-wien. ac. at; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4471 - 6655
- 2. Natural History Museum Vienna, Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria mathias. harzhauser @ nhm-wien. ac. at; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4471 - 6655 & Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P. O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands; Instituto Dom Luiz da Universidade de Lisboa, Campo Grande, 1749 - 016 Lisboa, Portugal; and International Health Centres, Av. Infante de Henrique 7, Areias São João, P- 8200 Albufeira, Portugal bernardmlandau @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7768 - 8494 & Natural History Museum Vienna, Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria mathias. harzhauser @ nhm-wien. ac. at; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4471 - 6655
Terebra hungarica Halaváts, 1884
= Tiarapirenella [Batillariidae]
* Terebra (Acus) hungarica nov. form. — Halaváts 1884: 180, pl. 4, fig. 6.
Terebra hungarica Halav. — Strausz 1954: 37.
Terebra (Acus) hungarica Halaváts —Kecskeméti-Körmendy 1962: 95, pl. 11, figs 17–25.
Terebra (Hastula) hungarica Halaváts, 1884 — Strausz 1966: 396, pl. 5, figs 19–21, 23.
Terebra (Hastula) hungarica Halaváts — Csepreghy-Meznerics 1972: 34, pl. 18, fig. 9.
Terebra hungarica Halaváts 1884 — Bohn-Havas 1973: 1127, pl. 8, figs 15–18, pl. 10, figs 4–6.
Discussion. The specimens illustrated by Bohn-Havas (1973) are characterized by an intense color pattern, which is typical for the Batillariidae Tiarapirenella. The shells described by Halaváts (1884), Kecskeméti-Körmendy (1962) Strausz (1966), Csepreghy-Meznerics (1972) and Bohn-Havas (1973) represent specimens with strongly reduced sculpture and agree well with specimens of T. bicincta from the Tortonian of Cessaniti (Italy) (see Harzhauser et al. 2023: figs 27I–J). Terebra hungarica is a junior subjective synomym of Tiarapirenella bicincta. Terebra hungarica Halaváts, 1884 was overlooked by Harzhauser et al. (2023) in their review of Paratethyan Potamididae and Batillariidae, and we correct this lapsus herein.
Distribution in Central Paratethys. Pannonian Basin: Pécsszabolcs, Várpalota (Hungary) (Bohn-Havas 1973); Cserhát Mountains: Mátraverebély (Hungary) (Csepreghy-Meznerics 1954); Bükk Mountains: Bóta (Hungary) (Csepreghy-Meznerics 1972).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Terebridae
- Genus
- Terebra
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Neogastropoda
- Phylum
- Mollusca
- Scientific name authorship
- Halavats
- Species
- hungarica
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Terebra hungarica Halavats, 1884 sec. Harzhauser & Landau, 2023
- Halavats, G. (1884) Uj alakok Magyarorszag Mediterrankoru faunajabol. Termeszetrajzi Fuzetek, 8, 171 - 179, pl. 4. [https: // epa. oszk. hu / 02300 / 02370 / 00020 / pdf / EPA 02370 _ termszetrajzif 1884 vol 8 _ 03 _ 171 - 180. pdf]
- Strausz, L. (1954) Varpalotai felso-mediteean csigak. Geologica Hungarica, 25, 1 - 150. [http: // epa. oszk. hu / 02900 / 02989 / 00022 / pdf / EPA 02989 _ geologica _ hungarica _ ser _ paleo _ 25 _ 1954 _ 085 - 125. pdf]
- Strausz, L. (1966) Die miozan-mediterranen Gastropoden Ungarns. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 693 pp.
- Csepreghy-Meznerics, I. (1972). La faune Tortonienne-inferieure des gisements tufiques de la montagne de Bukk: Gasteropodes II. Az Egri Muzeum Evkonyve - Annales Musei Agriensis, 8 - 9, 26 - 46. [https: // library. hungaricana. hu / hu / view / MEGY _ HEVE _ agria 08 _ 09 /? pg = 27 & layout = s]
- Bohn-Havas, M. (1973) Tortonische Molluskenfauna des ostlichen Mecsek-Gebirges. Magyar Allami Foldtani Intezet evkonyve, 53, 947 - 1161. [http: // epa. oszk. hu / 03200 / 03274 / 00081 / pdf / EPA 03274 _ mafi _ evkonyv _ 1973 _ 04 _ 1083 - 1140. pdf]
- Harzhauser, M., Guzhov, A. & Landau, B. (2023) A revision and nomenclator of the Cainozoic mudwhelks (Mollusca: Caenogastropoda: Batillariidae, Potamididae) of the Paratethys Sea (Europe, Asia). Zootaxa, 5272, 1 - 241. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 5272.1.1
- Csepreghy-Meznerics, I. (1954) Helvetische und tortonische Fauna aus dem ostlichen Cserhatgebirge. A Magyar Allami Foldtani Intezet Evkonyve, 41, 1 - 185. [https: // olivirv. myspecies. info / sites / olivirv. myspecies. info / files / EPA 03274 _ mafi _ evkonyv _ 1954 _ 04. pdf]