Published January 4, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Annotation files for black the black honey bee genome from "The black honey bee genome: insights on specific structural elements and a first step towards pan-genomes"

  • 1. ROR icon National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment


Annotation files for the AMelMel1.1 black honey bee Apis mellifera mellifera genome assembly described in:

Eynard, Sonia E., Christophe Klopp, Kamila Canale-Tabet, William Marande, Céline Vandecasteele, Céline Roques, Cécile Donnadieu, Quentin Boone, Bertrand Servin, and Alain Vignal. ‘The Black Honey Bee Genome: Insights on Specific Structural Elements and a First Step towards Pan-Genomes’. Preprint. Genomics, 7 December 2023.

The files were obtained by a liftover approach from the HAv3.1 assembly annotation files, as described in the Github markdown associated with the paper:



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PacificBee INRAE
Département Génétique Animale


  • Eynard, Sonia E., Christophe Klopp, Kamila Canale-Tabet, William Marande, Céline Vandecasteele, Céline Roques, Cécile Donnadieu, Quentin Boone, Bertrand Servin, and Alain Vignal. 'The Black Honey Bee Genome: Insights on Specific Structural Elements and a First Step towards Pan-Genomes'. Preprint. Genomics, 7 December 2023.