Published January 4, 2024 | Version Version 1
Report Open

GreenComp in Vocational Education and Training: State of Art and Best Practices in Greece


Environmental Education (EE) has come a long way in Greece with the first attempts being made in the late 70s, the first institutionalised steps taking place in the 90s and with most recent reforms introduced by the Ministry of Education and Religious
Affairs with the learning program on “Environment and Education of Sustainability Development” (EESD) in pre-school, primary and lower secondary education schools, to be implemented in the school year 2023-2024. In addition, since 2018 the program "A New Beginning in the EPALs - Action Plans" is implemented to all VET schools in Greece promoting innovative creative projects related to science, technology, culture, rural economy, health, smart cities, energy saving, environmental protection, accessibility for people with disabilities, etc., with more than 1000 action plans produced and more than 40,000 students being involved up to date.

This report delves into the initiatives and reforms that have taken place in the last decades in the Greek educational system, including VET education and the impact these actions had in providing educators with the right tools to transmit to students the knowledge and skills required to become active citizens who can put the goals of Sustainable Development into practice. Furthermore, ten best practices are presented as incentive and inspiration.

Notes (English)

This publication has received funding from the European Commission under Grant Agreement number 2022-2-IE01-KA220-VET-000097215, Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership project "Green Hive".



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