Published November 30, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Big Data for OPen innovation Energy Marketplace Deliverable 7.2 Pilot 1 – Spanish pilot description and results


The BD4OPEM project aims to design, develop, and deploy a Marketplace in order to provide innovative energy services for the reliable operation of the smart grid. These energy services will be provided through a marketplace, acting as an open, modular 
data analysis toolbox and facilitating data exchange and advanced usage. In this way, the data coming from the diverse energy domain sources will be put at the disposal of advanced energy service developers through a marketplace. The main objective of WP7 is to oversee the implementation and demonstration of the services developed in the previous WPs. Through this implementation, the aim is to prove two points:

That the tools developed are compliant with the given objectives and, if not, analyse and identify the reason for the difference and provide recommendations about the tool optimization to reach better results.

That the Marketplace platform and the Analytics toolbox permits flexibility, replicability, and scalability of the services between data providers and service users with adapted features.

Overall, this work package consists in providing the input for the analysis of the impact of the whole system developed during BD4OPEM project and giving recommendation to optimise its use and management. It is as well the opportunity to gather feedbacks from different demonstration sites and their respective leaders upon the platform, the services, and the customer experience. This document describes the results of the implementation of the services for the Spanish demonstration site.


D7.2 – Pilot 1 – Spanish pilot description and results_public.pdf

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European Commission
BD4OPEM – Big Data for OPen innovation Energy Marketplace 872525