Published December 31, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D2.4 Skills4EOSC Recognition Framework first iteration


This report describes the first version of the Skills4EOSC Recognition Framework for trainers’ accreditation and recognition. The deliverable is part of the work of Task 2.5, but it builds on and consolidates the outputs of the other WP2 tasks. The recommendations in this deliverable have been piloted by Task 2.3 in their delivery of the FAIR-by-design methodology training. The recommendations will be fed to training pilots carried out in WPs 3-5 to be used in designing further trainings. Based on feedback from these WPs and from external stakeholders, a revised and final version will be delivered before the end of the project.


Skills4EOSC-Deliverable-2-4-First version v5.pdf

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Skills4EOSC – Skills for the European Open Science Commons: Creating a Training Ecosystem for Open and FAIR Science 101058527
European Commission