Published December 30, 2023 | Version 2.0.0
Dataset Open

Atlas of Heritage Trees

  • 1. Louisiana State University


Atlas of Heritage Trees
This dataset is a collection of laser scanned heritage trees of exceptional historical, cultural, and ecological significance. The trees have been archived in laz, e57, pcd, xyz, and 3dm format point clouds. The project was directed by Brendan Harmon and Hye Yeon Nam. Contributors include Javier Zamora, Huan Guo, William Reinhardt, Julie Whitbeck, Kaiti Fink, and Jeff Boucher. This project was funded by the LSU Arts & Humanities Support Fund. It was supported by the LSU Center for GeoInformatics and the LSU Coastal Ecosystem Design Studio. The point clouds are released under the Creative Commons Zero public domain dedication. See the collection online at

This dataset is released under the Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication by Brendan Harmon. 


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