Published December 30, 2023 | Version CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Journal article Open

Power Aware MANET Routing Protocol for Efficient Packet Transmission Using T –Test and Sleep and Awake Strategy

  • 1. Professor, Department of Computer Science and Business System, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India., Post Doctorial Research Fellow, Manipur International University, Impala, Manipur, India.
  • 1. Professor, Department of Computer Science and Business System, Panimalar Engineering College, Chennai (Tamil Nadu), India., Post Doctorial Research Fellow, Manipur International University, Impala, Manipur, India,
  • 2. PhD, DSc, Vice Chancellor and Professor, Manipur International University, Imphal, Manipur, India.
  • 3. CTO &, Dean Innovation, Manipur International University, Imphal, Manipur, India.


Abstract: The majority of the suggested routing protocols have not given any attention to energy consumption whatsoever, despite the fact that advances in battery design have not yet reached the point where a device can be able to operate for a longer amount of time. Energy-efficient routing is one of the crucial issues that must be taken into account in MANETs. Numerous scholars have offered highly effective solutions for this problem. Since all nodes in MANETs are connected to and run by low-power battery devices, energy-aware routing is without a doubt the highest design standard The lifespan of the network is eventually shortened when an intermediary node is shut down due to a power outage because it not only impacts the node's own system but also its capacity to relay packets on behalf of others. The untimely shutdown of a node damages the entire network system because packet forwarding on the route will become fully disconnected as soon as a node Electronics 2020, 9, 1129 5 of 64 fails due to a power outage. However, the preceding node continues to wastefully retransmit the same packets up to a specific threshold, wasting both its power and bandwidth in the process. The preceding node then informs the source that the path is severed as a result of this. Finally, route finding is once more carried out by the source node, which uses a lot of energy in the network. This work suggested a new routing method that uses the T-test procedure to discover the most effective path between nodes. This proposed technique recursively identifies the optimum way between nodes for communication, ensuring that each node participating in route discovery has enough energy for transmission. The T-Test procedure defines and supports the criteria for evaluating the nodes that are chosen and rejected during the route discovery process. This technique, in conjunction with T-Test, enables successful packet transmission in MANET packet flows with sleep and awake strategies. It is also developed using network simulation and compared to the present routing system, indicating that it performs better overall.



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Manuscript received on 21 November 2023 | Revised Manuscript received on 07 December 2023 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 December 2023 | Manuscript published on 30 December 2023


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