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There is a newer version of the record available.

Published December 28, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Archaeological Artefact Database of Finland (AADA)


When you use this dataset, please also cite the following paper introducing it:

Petro Pesonen, Ulla Moilanen, Meeli Roose, Jarkko Saipio, Jasse Tiilikkala, Muhammad Usman Sanwal, Visa Immonen, Outi Vesakoski & Päivi Onkamo (submitted manuscript): Archaeological Artefact Database of Finland (AADA).

The database also includes a collection of photographs that are found in another Zenodo repository and should be referenced as follows: Moilanen et al. 2024. (Moilanen, U., Pesonen, P., Saipio, J., Tiilikkala, J., Sanwal, M. 2024. Archaeological Artefact Database of Finland (AADA)), photograph repository:

The AADA database is thematically organised into three MS Excel tables according to the prehistoric era: Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age periods. Each period contains both period-specific and general artefact categories and accordingly also period-specific and general variables(Table 1). The database is provided also as csv-files.

Table 1. The artefact categories included in the AADA database.

AADA Stone Age.xlsx

AADA Bronze Age.xlsx

AADA Iron Age.xlsx


Stone tools

Clay artefacts

Bone artefacts

Wooden artefacts


Birch bark tar


Stone tools

Clay artefacts

Bone artefacts

Wooden artefacts

Bronze objects


Stone tools

Clay artefacts

Bone artefacts

Wooden artefacts

Bronze artefacts

Iron artefacts

Silver and golden artefacts


Organic materials


Each row in the table represents a single artefact, while each column represents a specific attribute, such as its type, period, site, and measurements. Pottery forms a different case as the material is not organised according to separate vessels (except pottery detailed in AADA Iron Age), but according to types/styles present in each collection main number. The detailed description of the data is found in the paper Pesonen et al. (2024).




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