Published December 26, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open




The onomastic units that reflect the history of the Azerbaijani people are an integral part of the vocabulary of our language. Onomastic units are closely related to the past, lifestyle of the people. Onomastic units are one of the main language tools that reflect the national landscape of each nation.

Onomastic units are widely used in fiction. In linguistics, this field that studies onomastic units is called poetic onomastics. Here, mainly the fictional works, their characters, the names of the places where the events are described, their stylistic features, the increase of the idea-artistic impact of the work, etc. are studied (2, p. 50).

One of the interesting aspects of poetic onomastics is related to the transformation of onomastic units into poetic means and conveying metaphorical meaning.

The onomastic units of most nations of the world have been used in Azerbaijani literature since ancient times. This helps us to collect enough rich material for mutual study of those onomastic units.

Onomastic lexics dominates in Ajiz’s “Divan”. So, in this sense, the study of stylistic features of anthroponyms and toponyms is of special interest.


The scientific heritage No 127 (127) (2023)-48-55.pdf

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