Published January 16, 2017 | Version 4.0
Project deliverable Open

WhoLoDancE: Deliverable 5.1 - Data modelling, data integration and data management plan report


The WhoLoDancE Work Package 5 is responsible for the overall data management infrastructure to be built and deployed by ATHENA RC with the objective to collect, store, pre-process and manage the multimodal data acquired in the project. Deliverable 5.1 provides technical information about the type of data that will be produced, managed and maintained by the data management platform and the methodologies which will be applied for the data integration and management in order to deliver the various applications of the project.
The process of comprehending and driving conclusions on data sources related to the project is an integral part of the WhoLoDancE data management approach and is presented in this report. For gathering information from partners, a special questionnaire has been designed and implemented by the project’s data management team and has been populated by the individual data-providing partners. More information on questionnaire structure the can be found in §3, “Recorded dataset information”, while the results are presented in §7, “Datasets”.
A set of dataset management practices and tools that can be used for storing, delivering, preserving and licensing the data evaluated for the needs of the project, complying with best practices, and generally acceptable paradigms in the context that the project activates is then defined. The results of this work are presented in §4, “Data Management”. Subsequently, the data model of the project data is presented in §5, “Motion Capture Dataset ”. Finally, the policies for ensuring data interoperability and integration across project’s services, be it data management or end-user ones, is covered in section §6, “Data Integration”.



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European Commission
WhoLoDancE – Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education 688865