Published December 22, 2023 | Version 3.0
Project deliverable Open

D6.3 Final version of the Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (CDEP)

  • 1. APRE
  • 1. ROR icon Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
  • 2. ROR icon European Science Foundation
  • 3. ROR icon University of Zurich
  • 4. ROR icon University College London


Due to the need of communicating and disseminating to different types of target groups, a structured Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (CDEP) has been designed in order to ensure a wider communication of the TIME4CS mission and disseminate its results and activities among the beneficiaries as well as among the target audiences of the project activities.

This document represents the third and final version of the CDEP, submitted in its first release in June 2021 (M6) and then in its 2.0 version in June 2022 (M18). Building on the previous versions and integrating them with achieved results, relevant facts and figures coming from the activities performed during the whole project duration, this final CDEP presents a revised structure. In every relevant section, it provides a brief summary of the strategies and progress related to the first 18 months, and an highlight of the results in the last 18. D6.3 aims at reporting what has been done so far as well as providing an overview of TIME4CS legacy, its composition and the related strategy to keep fostering it beyond the project lifespan, exploitation-wise but also in terms of dissemination.

Dissemination concerns only the results of the project which are  disseminated within the action’s own community (e.g. presentation at scientific conferences, and/or peer reviewed publications). Promoting the action and its results on the other hand goes beyond that, as it means taking strategic and targeted measures for communicating about  the action andits results to a multitude of audiences, including the media and the public, and possibly engaging in a two-way exchange.

The final plan has a quadruple function:

·        the section dedicated to communication defines the communication goals, target audiences, main messages that have been conveyed and the strategy adopted to overcome the barriers that could have negatively affected the communication of TIME4CS and improved the engagement of the primary and the secondary target audiences about the activities of the project.

·        the dissemination section gives an overview of the results reached by the project’s, for which  a spectrum of proper dissemination channels has been used and constantly adapted to the targeted groups.

·        the exploitation section shows the instruments and strategy adopted to favour the exploitation of project results beyond TIME4CS lifespan.

·        the monitoring section provides final figures about the reaching of KPIs.


TIME4CS_D6.3_Final version of CDEP_v3.0.pdf

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TIME4CS – Supporting sustainable Institutional Changes to promote Citizen Science in Science and Technology 101006201
European Commission