Published December 21, 2023 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Prochiloneurus comperei VIGGIANI 1970


Prochiloneurus comperei VIGGIANI, 1970

Prochiloneurus comperei n.nov.: VIGGIANI 1970: 68 (new replacement for Prochiloneurus clavatus COMPERE, 1938).

Neoprochiloneurus comperei (VIGGIANI, 1970): SUBBA RAO 1976: 688 (taxonomy, type examined).

Prochiloneurus comperei VIGGIANI, 1970: NOYES & HAYAT 1994: 473 (app. 2: host-parasitoid catalogue).

* Prochiloneurus clavatus sp.n.: COMPERE 1938: 325 (description ♀, biology, Nefasit), 326 (fig. 5), 327 (key ♀).

Prochiloneurus clavatus COMPERE, 1938: FULMEK 1943: 68 (world host-parasitoid catalogue).

Prochiloneurus clavatus COMPERE, 1938: ANNECKE & INSLEY 1971: 23 (parasitoid-host catalogue Afrotropical region).

Prochiloneuroides clavatus (COMPERE, 1938): HAYAT et el. 1975: 61 (typus generis, key ♀, taxonomy, India), 63 (figs 145-151).

Procheiloneurus (!) clavatus COMPERE, 1938: ABATE 1991: 15 (parasitoid-host catalogue Ethiopia: Ethiopia = Eritrea).

H o s t: Hemiptera, Pseudococcidae: Pseudococcus sp. (COMPERE 1938).

D i s t r i b u t i o n:Nefasit.

Prochiloneurus comperei is known from the Afrotropical (Eritrea, Ethiopia, Malawi, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania) and Oriental regions. Prochiloneurus clavatus COMPERE, 1938 is a junior homonym of Prochiloneurus clavatus (GIRAULT, 1915).


Published as part of Madl, Michael, H, Anicetus, H, Anthemus, W, Cheiloneurus, S, Diversinervus, L, Encyrtus, F, Habrolepis & M, Homalotylus, 2023, A catalogue of the family Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) of Eritrea, pp. 219-239 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 55 (1) on pages 228-229, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10414819


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  • VIGGIANI G. (1970): Note su alcuni Cheiloneurini, con considerazioni sui generi Cheiloneurus WESTW., Neoprochiloneurus VIGG. e Prochiloneurus SILV. (Encyrtidae (XIX. Richerche sugli Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea). - Bollettino de la Societa Entomologia Italiana 102 / 1 - 2: 64 - 69.
  • COMPERE H. (1938): A Report on some miscellaneous African Encyrtidae in the British Museum. - Bulletin of Entomological Research 29 / 3: 315 - 337.
  • SUBBA RAO B. R. (1976): Description of a new species of Anthemus HOWARD (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) parasitic on Diaspidiotus pronorum LIANG (Coccoidea: Diaspididae) with some new combinations and synonyms. - Journal of Natural History 10 / 6: 685 - 689.
  • FULMEK L. (1943): Wirtsindex der Aleyrodidae und Cocciden-Parasiten. - Entomologische Beihefte 10: V, 1 - 100.
  • ABATE T. (1991): Entomophagous Arthropods of Ethiopia: A Catalog. - Technical Manual 4, Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia: VI + 50 pp.