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Published December 20, 2023 | Version 3.0
Project deliverable Open

D7.6 Final version of the Data Management Plan

  • 1. APRE
  • 1. UCS
  • 2. ESF
  • 3. AU
  • 4. CHX
  • 5. ZSI
  • 6. Crowdhelix
  • 7. ROR icon Centre for Social Innovation


This deliverable describes the updated final version of the Data Management Plan (DMP) for the TIME4CS project. This document revises the first two versions of the DMP containing the main elements taken into account in the definition of the TIME4CS data management policy to be used by project partners throughout the project activities. The DMP provides indications about the management of all the data generated during the project activities, including how data are collected, managed, stored and made available during the project and how they will be shared upon TIME4CS completion.

The DMP was updated during the project lifetime according to the project’s progress and rising needs. The first version was submitted in April 2021, at the beginning of the project, and updated in June 2022. The document describes the procedures applied, and it provides details about the long-term management and preservation of project data.



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TIME4CS – Supporting sustainable Institutional Changes to promote Citizen Science in Science and Technology 101006201
European Commission