A new purple-flowered Butia (Arecaceae) from the highlands of the Chapada dos Veadeiros (Brazil)
Background and aims – The highlands of the Chapada dos Veadeiros region comprise one of the largest savannah areas in central Brazil. The region includes large areas of the rare and little-known cerrado rupestre, which is home to numerous endemic species. During research on the Arecaceae flora of Chapada dos Veadeiros, a new species of Butia was discovered, and it is described here.
Material and methods – The morphology and anatomy are described based on field collections. Following the default methodology, pinnae and flowers were analysed using LM (freehand cross- and longitudinal sections) and SEM. The new species is compared to its morphologically similar species from the Brazilian central plateau, and an identification key and distribution map were established.
Key results – At first sight, the new species Butia soffiae resembles B. archeri, but with staminate and pistillate flowers, which are always purple, different in size, and congested in the rachillae. After close inspection, it is morphologically allied to B. buenopolensis, differing mainly by its glaucous peduncular bract – similar size to the inflorescence, herbaceous peduncle, numerous rachillae, purple floral colour, and inconspicuous staminodes. Differences in leaf anatomy, such as the presence of raphides, a cross-sectionally truncated midrib, and the number of accessory bundles on the midrib, also support the description of a new species. Two structures were recorded for the first time for the genus: squamiform trichomes at the base of the pistil and osmophores on the staminodes. The new species is assessed as Critically Endangered based on the restricted area of occurrence and anthropogenic threats.
Conclusion – Butia soffiae is the first endemic Butia species described in Chapada dos Veadeiros. The type population is located near Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park, which is the subject of a bill that aims to reduce its area by 73%. The discovery of this new species reinforces the uniqueness of the local flora and the importance of maintaining the park.
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