Published December 20, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Bridging the gap between foreign language and early childhood teacher education: A quantitative and qualitative analysis of teacher knowledge base

  • 1. Universidad de Granada
  • 2. Universidad de Alicante


In monolingual countries, the early introduction of foreign languages in the pre-primary curriculum is an emerging priority. This study analyses the teacher know-ledge base (TKB) currently offered by higher education institutions to pre-service, foreign language, early childhood education and care (ECEC) teachers in various contexts such as Spain. A documentary research method combining both quantitative and qualitative analysis of 99 Spanish ECEC degree programs and 24 course guides was applied, allowing us to conclude that the presence of “very early foreign language” courses within Spanish ECEC programs is moderate, frequently reduced to a six ECTS course, and portrays a new TKB model related to the early introduction of foreign language in the education system.Key words: Teacher knowledge base, early childhood teacher education, foreign language teacher education, document analysis.



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Proyecto LEyLA PID2021-123055NB-I00
Agencia Estatal de Investigación

