Published December 23, 2022 | Version 1
Standard Open

Supporting document for preparing high quality DNA for Whole Genome Sequencing

  • 1. ROR icon Istituto Superiore di Sanità
  • 1. ROR icon French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety
  • 2. ROR icon Istituto Superiore di Sanità
  • 3. ROR icon National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
  • 4. ROR icon Technical University of Denmark
  • 5. ROR icon National Veterinary Institute
  • 6. Swedish Food Agency - Livsmedelsverket


In the framework of the activities of the Inter EURLs Working Group on Next Generation Sequencing, the need for guidelines for checking the quality of extracted DNA to be used for sequencing was highlighted. This document is meant to provide guidance in this crucial preliminary step of the laboratory work to produce NGS data.
It was agreed to start considering the three pathogens Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), on which the Joint EFSA-ECDC molecular typing data collection is currently focused, with the aim of expanding the topic to other pathogens in a second step.


Biorisks EURLs WG on NGS - Del9_Supporting document preparing high quality DNA for WGS-Michelacci-20221223-v1.pdf