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Published December 31, 2023 | Version 3.0
Project deliverable Open

D2.3: Final version of the Compilation of the Roadmaps and Grounding Actions for the Implementers

  • 1. ROR icon European Science Foundation
  • 2. ESF
  • 1. APRE
  • 2. CRG
  • 3. T-UCC
  • 4. UniSR
  • 5. KTU
  • 6. UNISR
  • 7. ROR icon Aarhus University
  • 8. ROR icon Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea


The current document, titled “Final version of the Compilation of the Roadmaps and Grounding Actions for the Implementers”, was developed within the framework of the TIME4CS project which is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 101006201. 

The purpose of this Deliverable is to present the final version of the TIME4CS Roadmaps to achieve sustainable Institutional Changes in Citizen Science (CS), as developed and updated by the project’s four Implementers (Tyndall National Institute, Kaunas University of Technology, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Vita-Salute San-Raffaele University), for the project period (2021-2023) and beyond (2024-2028).

This document links the final version of the Roadmaps developed on the basis of sustainability thinking for the medium and long-term vision, to concrete practical steps to be taken to ensure the continuation of the Institutional Change process in the post-project period.

Overall, twelve new Grounding Actions (GAs) have been planned by the Implementers for the post-project period to follow-up on the outcomes and explore new ways to continue institutional adoption of CS beyond the project lifetime. This sustainability reflection also results in a set of conclusions and recommendations for other CS practitioners who would be willing to learn from TIME4CS experiences.

Finally, this document also describes the activities organised by TIME4CS to assist the Implementers during the final year of the project in both the implementation of the planned GAs and the development of sustainability plans.


D2.3_Final version of the Compilation of the Roadmaps and Grounding Actions for the Implementers_ESF_v2.2.pdf

Additional details


TIME4CS – Supporting sustainable Institutional Changes to promote Citizen Science in Science and Technology 101006201
European Commission

