Published December 18, 2023 | Version v1.0
Project deliverable Open

D4.2. Promote use and increase participation to the S3E framework


This deliverable covers the Progress and outcomes of Task 4.2, preparing the ground for the Boost phase and the 2nd cycle of our acceleration programme. The purpose of T4.2 was to Support participation and engagement of our beneficiaries and stakeholders: Start-ups, challenges organisations, experts.

The deliverable presents the structure of our S3E framework as it evolved through the 1st cycle, consolidates conclusions and insights from other deliverables (Open Call #1 Results, Engagement, Dissemination & Communication, and Synergies Plan). The deliverable also refers to the Impact Assessment and our strategy to improve and further promote S3E Framework.


S3E-D4.2-S3E Promote Framework.pdf

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S3E – Southern European Entrepreneurship Engine 101072135
European Commission

