Subset Data 7: 607 Thoracolumbar Osteo-Ligamentous Spine Virtual FE Meshes (Models 16201 to 16807)
- 1. BCN MedTech, Department of Information and Communication Technologies, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
- 2. Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain
- 3. InSilicoTrials Technologies, Trieste, Italy
- 4. Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain
- 5. IRCCS Galeazzi, Milan, Italy
- 6. Schulthess Klinik, Zürich, Switzerland
- 7. ICREA, Barcelona, Spain
Subset Data 7: 607 Thoracolumbar Osteo-Ligamentous Spine Virtual FE Meshes (Models 16201 to 16807)
- 607 FE input files representing thoracolumbar spine hexahedral models, including point coordinates. To reduce the size of shared virtual finite element (FE) models, only point coordinates are shared here. The mean FE input file "Mean_Model (Template).inp" is also shared, which includes point coordinates, mesh connectivity IDs, and element sets. To generate virtual FE input files, the corresponding shared point coordinates can be replaced into the mean FE input file (Mean_Model (Template).inp). Mesh connectivity IDs, and element sets are the same in all of FE input files. Mean FE input file includes vertebras and IVDs hexahedral meshes; pelvis, sacrum, and the femoral head triangulated meshes; and ligaments. Each point coordinate file is almost 38MB.
- An excel file: "Descriptive_List (16807_FE_virtual_models).xlsx" reporting measured spinopelvic parameters for virtual FE hexahedral models. The Excel file includes measured spinopelvic parameters (PI, PT, SS, LL, LL-PI, GT, RPV, RLL, LDI, RSA, TPA, and scoliosis cobb angle), GAP and IVD centric thickness for FE virtual cohort. Model ID in the excel file is correspondent to the model’s name.
- One video file: "how_to_replace_point_coordinates.mp4". It shows how you can replace point coordinates here to the mean FE input file "Mean_Model (Template).inp" in order to generate specific FE input file.
1- Model number in "Descriptive_List (16807_FE_virtual_models).xlsx" is correspondent to the same model number in the 16807 stereolithography (stl) files (.stl extension) representing the virtual thoracolumbar spine triangulated meshes (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8108354; stl.part01.rar to stl.part09.rar).
2-These point coordinates are sampled by combining the first 5 shape modes of the morphed-mesh statistical shape model in which each shape mode is discretized into 7 standard deviations: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3.
3- Generated FE inp files can be opened by Abaqus 2019 and later. Any other FE software which supports .inp extension also can open the files.
Developed by: Morteza Rasouligandomani (Ph.D. in biomedical engineering, Pompeu Fabra university, BCN Med-Tech group, DTIC department, Barcelona, Spain).
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