Published December 16, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

GSM-GPS-Based Animal Tracking System: Improving Wildlife Monitoring Efforts


The decrease in biodiversity and the growing risks to wildlife populations have required the creation of inventive methods for conservation. The global system for mobile communication (GSM)-global positioning system (GPS) based advanced tracking system (ATS) has become a potent solution to tackle these challenges. This system has transformed our comprehension of the natural world and enabled conservationists to make well-informed decisions for wildlife preservation by offering up-to-date, precise, and extensive data on animal movements and behavior. The circuit employed in our system enables automatic monitoring of heart rate, body temperature, rumination, and the surrounding temperature and humidity. This represents a novel design objective for the animal health monitoring system. This information is intended for veterinary staff.


GSM-GPS-Based Animal Tracking System Improving Wildlife Monitoring Efforts.pdf

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