Product development of ready-to-heat vegetarian meals containing Torula
Access to high quality, sustainably produced proteins is becoming increasingly restricted due to a growing world population, increased pressure on natural resources and climate change, while at the same time the global protein demand has never been higher. There has been increased emphasis towards more sustainable consumption habits and lifestyle in western societies with the aim to reduce negative environmental effects. To meet the increased need for protein, consumers need to reduce their consumption of animal protein and increase their consumption of alternative proteins. Alternative proteins are not only traditional plant proteins but also from novel sources such as single cells which are relatively new to the food market in Europe.
Within the European project, NextGenProteins, the food producer Grímur Kokkur developed series of vegetarian meals containing the alternative protein source Torula in collaboration with Matís. The focus was mainly placed on vegetarian ready meals containing the alternative protein ingredient in a ratio which enables the producer to claim the ready meals are a source of protein (at least 12% kcal from protein of total kcal).
This report summarises and describes trials of the development of breaded vegetarian cakes containing Torula and date filling and breaded risotto cakes containing Torula, with regard to sensory characteristics, nutrients and consumer liking. Sensory evaluation by trained sensory panellists indicated no defects regarding sensory quality, and both products were very well perceived by consumers. Further, the products both contained more than 12% kcal from proteins. From these results it can be concluded that the product development of the oven-ready vegetarian meals with Torula was successful.
Aðgengi að hágæða próteini, framleiddu á sjálfbæran hátt verður sífellt takmarkaðra en á sama tíma hefur eftirspurn eftir próteini á heimsvísu aldrei verið meiri. Aukin áhersla hefur verið lögð á sjálfbærari neysluvenjur og lífsstíl í vestrænum samfélögum með það að markmiði að draga úr neikvæðum umhverfisáhrifum. Til að mæta aukinni þörf fyrir prótein þurfa neytendur að draga úr neyslu á dýrapróteini og auka neyslu annarra próteina. Slík prótein eru ekki aðeins hefðbundin plöntuprótein heldur einnig nýprótein eins og einfrumungar sem eru tiltölulega ný á matvælamarkaði í Evrópu.
Innan Evrópuverkefnisins NextGenProteins, þróaði matvælaframleiðandinn Grímur Kokkur í samvinnu við Matís, grænmetisrétti sem innihéldu próteingjafann Torula. Áherslan var aðallega lögð á tilbúna grænmetisrétti sem innihalda nýprótein í því magni að hægt sé að merkja réttina sem próteingjafa (að minnsta kosti 12% hitaeininga (kcal) úr próteini af heildar hitaeiningum).
Þessi skýrsla lýsir tilraunum á þróun á brauðuðum grænmetisbollum sem innihalda Torula og döðlufyllingu og brauðuðum risottobollum sem innihalda Torula. Metnir voru skynrænir eiginleikar, næringarefni og upplifun neytenda af bollunum. Skynmat framkvæmt af þjálfuðum skynmatsdómurum benti ekki til neinna galla varðandi skynræn gæði og viðbrögð neytenda voru almennt mjög jákvæð. Ennfremur innihéldu vörurnar báðar meira en 12% kcal úr próteinum. Af þessum niðurstöðum má draga þá ályktun að vöruþróun tilbúinna grænmetisrétta sem innihalda Torula hafi tekist vel.
Additional details
- Funding: Grant Agreement: 862704, Horizon 2020, EU Research and Innovation program