There is a newer version of the record available.

Published December 11, 2023 | Version 1
Computational notebook Restricted

R Code and Re-analyzed Datasets for: Robust approaches for the quantitative analysis of genome formula variation in multipartite and segmented viruses

  • 1. ROR icon Netherlands Institute of Ecology


This submission includes all the scripts and data analyzed in the manuscript "Robust approaches for the quantitative analysis of genome formula variation in multipartite and segmented viruses". This manuscript is a technical note on how genome formula data can be analyzed. There are no new experimental data in the manuscript, as published datasets are re-analyzed. Here we reproduce those datasets as formatted for our analysis, for the convenience of the reader. Please consult the README.txt file first.

The corresponding paper has been submitted to Viruses 11-12-2023. Please contact the author (MPZ) if you are interested in seeing the manuscript already.



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