Published November 3, 2017 | Version Version 1
Dataset Open


  • 1. Institute of Waste Management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna




General description

Within URBANWASTE Work Package 2 data from the pilot cases needed to perform the metabolic analysis was collected. In this sense, mainly data regarding waste generation and management, tourism (accommodation capacity, tourist flows, tourism economy) and socio-economic data of each pilot was collected.

The indicator sets finally collected were previously cross-checked with the 11 URBANWASTE Pilot Cases regarding data availability on pilot case scale to ensure their suitability and practicability to answer specific URBANWASTE questions. This cross-checking was done by the means of performing a “Survey on data availability” within Task 2.3.

Origin, Nature and scale of data

For data collection, all pilot cases partners received an empty excel database divided into three thematic areas (waste related data, socio-economic data and tourism related data). In case the pilot case partners did not have access to the requested information, other organisations such as local municipal departments, waste management companies, tourism associations, national statistical agencies etc. were contacted by them for support in data provision.

The data collected with these databases mainly represent statistical data. For transparency reasons, data sources were to be specified as well.

The spatial scale of the collected data was supposed to be the pilot case area (meaning for the whole city, municipality or metropolitan area). As data on this small scale was not available for all data sets, some of the provided data is on regional or even national level. For ensuring transparency, the spatial scale had to be specified for each data set. According to the type of indicators, the temporal scale varies from annual data to monthly data.

For selected data sets, time series data at annual scale were collected for the period 2000 – 2015. For some selected data sets (e.g. waste quantities, tourist arrivals & overnight stays), additionally, also time series on monthly scale were collected for the period 2013 – 2015.

Data Format

The database prepared to collect the data needed for performing the metabolic analysis was divided into three thematic areas, which are further divided in categories as indicated below:

Waste related data

-          Waste generation and waste quantities [number]

-          Waste prevention [text] [number]

-          Waste management [number] [%] [€]

Socio-economic data

-          Description of the pilot case [number] [km²]

-          Economy [number] [%] [€]

-          Society [number] [%]

-          Building statistics [%]

Tourism related data

-          Tourism economy [€]

-          Accommodation capacity [number]

-          Tourist flows [number]

-          Other tourism related information [number]

Each category contains a lot of indicators, each indicator being identified by a data ID, a unit, and a spatial scale. Data sources had to be specified as well. When needed, the definitions of these indicators were added directly in the database template.

In total, 48 data sets (some of them further divided into sub-sets) were collected. Most of the collected data represent quantitative data in the format of [number], [%] [€] or [km²].

The data on urban metabolism received from the pilot cases is stored in 1 excel database.


Further Information and Contact

The data on waste generation and management, socio-economic data and tourism data used for all the assessments performed within Work Package 2 and presented in this report was provided by the URBANWASTE pilot cases. More detailed information is contained within the database.

In case of questions related to this database please contact:


For more information on the URBANWASTE project please visit:


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European Commission
UrBAN-WASTE – Urban strategies for Waste Management in Tourist Cities 690452