Published December 12, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Stare i nowe formy katechezy w rodzinie. Założenia katechizmu według Edmunda Bojanowskiego

  • 1. ROR icon John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


Old and new forms of Catechesis in the Family. The premises of the Catechism according to Edmund Bojanowski

The analyses undertaken in this study aim to seek an answer to the question: what ‘old and new’ forms of catechesis in the family can be proposed? The research objective was pursued using the method of critical analysis of sources, followed by the method of analysis and the method of synthesis of catechetical documents of the Church and available literature. The first part of the consideration concerns the changing scope of family catechesis throughout the history of the Church. There were trends of transition from the family catechumenate to the parish catechumenate experience to attempts at integral education in line with the goals of the school. In the second part, the context for the emergence of the new family catechism is elaborated. The context for the creation of the new catechism was the finding and sorting of many hitherto unstructured notes by Blessed Edmund Bojanowski directly from the field of catechesis. The third part shows the new forms of the catechism. The addressees of the catechism are parents who, together with their children, live in a digital culture. The „old and new” forms of catechesis in the family are shown. The catechism with all the new media elements is available online. A traditional, book version is also published. Parents themselves can choose a form that, on the one hand, allows the family to introduce their children to the world of faith and, on the other hand, should the child already be dependent on the virtual world, to use a traditional book.



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Old and new forms of Catechesis in the Family. The premises of the Catechism according to Edmund Bojanowski

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Journal: 10.5281/zenodo.10344141 (DOI)
Journal: 1733-7496 (ISSN)




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