Published December 7, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Business Incubator Management toward Economic Independence at the Boarding School (Study at Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam, Mojokerto)

  • 1. Marketing Management, Faculty of Vocation, State University of Malang
  • 2. Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, State University of Malang


 Pondok Pesantren Nurul Islam Pungging Mojokerto (NURIS) equips its santri with structured formal education. Problems are experienced when this boarding school has been productive in the field of education but is still passive in terms of economic independence. The potential to make boarding schools economically independent is very high. One is the creative economy, which is increasingly showing its intelligence in Industry 5.0. To catch up with this, it is necessary to empower santri to be able to become a santripreneur who has soft skills. One way is to empower students in the business incubator industry. The purpose of implementing santri empowerment activities is so that Nurul Islam Pungging Mojokerto boarding school can meet its own needs and become an economically independent modern boarding school. In addition to improving the pesantren's economy, this business incubator program is also expected to be a provision for students when they graduate to be able to live independently. This research uses a qualitative method by collecting data from in-depth interviews with several students, teachers, and the head of the boarding school foundation. After collecting the data, a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted, and determined the mechanism of this business incubator activity. Training and mentoring activities were conducted for Nurul Islam Pungging Mojokerto boarding school students for approximately 3 months. The design layout of the business incubator is the output of this research. As a business incubator, it is still not optimal. It needs to be improved regarding Shared, namely not providing office facilities that can be used together, and Synergy, namely not creating cooperation with parties outside the boarding school



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