Published December 6, 2023 | Version v1
Publication Open

To increase public health system fees for non-EU citizens further hinders Italy's ability to attract internationally mobile researchers


On 16 October 2023, the Italian Government announced the outlines for the 2024 provisional budget. It stipulates a significant increase in enrolment costs for the National Italian Health System for non-EU residents without formal employment: the annual contribution will increase from 149€ to 700€  per year for doctoral candidates and from 1,200€ to 2,000€ for postdocs, respectively. 

On behalf of Eurodoc, the administrative board 2023/2024 expresses its concerns as this will also significantly impact doctoral candidates and early career researchers who are non-EU citizens in Italy.


Eurodoc statement “To increase public health system fees for non-EU citizens further hinders Italy's ability to attract internationally mobile researchers”-1.pdf