Published December 6, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

St. Clair River 2007 Hydrographic Survey

  • 1. United States Army Corps of Engineers
  • 2. United States Army Corps of Engineers - Detroit District


First multibeam hydrographic survey of the entire main stem of St. Clair River.

2007 Bathymetry data was collected by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District


Algonac Junction Buoy to Fort Gratiot Lt.

Data were averaged into 5' x 5' grids, center placed, with limited area of 2' x 2' grid.

Data were collected with a hydrographic survey system onboard the S/V WHEELER comprised of:


1) a Reson 8125 multi-beam at 455 kHz with a .5 degree beam width

2) a velocity profiler

3) GPS/POS MV positioning and heave, pitch and roll compensation


This survey data set meets the requirements of EM 1110-2-1003 1 Jan 02


Projection for all files and coordinates is NAD 83 Michigan State Plane South meters.

All depths, datums and elevations are in meters.  Elevations referenced to IGLD 85.

X Y Z Datum Elevation

x-coordinate Michigan State Plane South Meters

y-coordinate Michigan State Plane South Meters

z - depth, meters, relative to low water datum

Datum - Low Water Datum for point

Elevation - bottom elevation of river, meters, relative to IGLD85




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Additional details


United States Army Corps of Engineers
Surveillance of Northern Boundary Waters 1


These data were collected during the 2007 field season on the Great Lakes