Published December 6, 2023 | Version v1
Report Open

Urban Solutions to the Green Transition: Knowledge gaps and a research agenda from the Living Lab in Nordhavn, Copenhagen


How do we engage diverse voices and perspectives in sustainable urban development? How

can biodiversity be integrated into the development of dense and green neighborhoods?

Which types of data are needed, and how can data be used to balance neighborhood social

and ecological identity in the face of rapid development? And how do we realize equitable

access to housing and outdoor recreational spaces in the face of rising development

costs? These questions and more were discussed at the launch of the Urban Solutions to

Green Transitions Living Lab in Nordhavn. The results of the launch are described below

including identified knowledge gaps and calls for a new research agenda focused on en-

gagement forms and data to support just and inclusive approaches to sustainable urban



Urban Green Transition_Workshop summary_Article[3].pdf

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