Published June 6, 2023 | Version 1
Report Open

GreenComp in Vocational Education and Training: State of Art and Best Practices in Romania


  • 1. IG Duca VET Highschool
  • 2. Carol I College, Constanta


This national report summarizes the state of implementation in Romania of practices and educational activities for development of sustainability competencies in education, mainly in Vocational Education and Training. As part of the GreenHive Erasmus+ project, the study emphasizes the current expertize in order to facilitate the transfer of local experience, knowledge and innovation in the field of the implementation of the European Sustainability Competence Framework "GreenComp" to potential local, national and European level. The study and subsequent report was carried out by TEAM4Excellence, a Romanian leading non-governmental organisation which thrives to improve the socio-economic conditions and the quality of life through education, research and consulting to address societal challenges.

The exploration is grounded in a meticulous research methodology encompassing strategies, data collection methods, sample selection, and analysis. 

Firstly, the report laid down the evolution of sustainability competencies in Romania's formal education system, providing an overview of the strategies and national policies.

Secondly, the report offer the voices of experts in Vocational Education and Training through insightful semi-structured interviews, which are carefully analysed to have a full understanding of the real-world actions for development of sustainability competencies in education.

Thirdly, the attention is directed toward a set of ten best practices in sustainability competency development in Romania. These examples showcase the practical manifestation of sustainable principles, while their detailed exploration offers valuable lessons and inspiration The following criteria guided the selection and analysis of the best practices: effectiveness, inclusiveness, innovation, transferability, impact, scalability and replicability.

The conclusions point key takeaways and potential directions for development, inviting readers to reflect upon the multifaceted dimensions of sustainability education and competencies in the broader context of vocational training.


GreenComp in Vocational Education and Training. State of Art and Best Practices in Romania.pdf

Additional details


European Commission
Erasmus+ Programme 2022 2 IE01-KA220-VET-000097215


  • ACOMI, N., ACOMI, O., & BARBU, D. (2023). GreenComp in Vocational Education and Training: State of Art and Best Practices in Romania (Version 1). Zenodo.