Parasinalda groehni Heiss & Golub 2013, nov.sp.
H o l o t y p e: Male, preserved in an oval piece of honey coloured Baltic Amber, 29 x 13 x 3mm, dorsal side well visible, ventral side partly obscured by an air bubble. This specimen is designated as holotype and deposited in the collection of Carsten Gröhn (Glinde Germany) "Coll. Gröhn 5294, GPIH 4410".
D e s c r i p t i o n: Submacropterous male. Body elongate, about 2,2x as long as wide; surface of head, thorax and hemelytra covered by areoale of different size; colouration uniformly light-brown.
H e a d: Strongly elongate, 1.46x as long as width across eyes; preocular porrect part in front of eyes 1.25x as long as its width, its apex rounded with contiguous bucculae; dorsal side convex with flat small areolae, with 8 short conical and blunt tubercles, directed obliquely upward: one pair jugal, one frontal and one pair occipital,two unpaired shorter but stouter tubercles dorsomedially, the anterior one placed between the jugal pair, the posterior one on vertex between the eyes; antenniferous lobes large and conical, directed anterolaterally at a lower level; antennae bent to ventral side and hardly discernible in lateral view with short segment I and II and long segment III; eyes of oval outline and very large, inserted in head, width of intraocular space 0.2 mm, diameter of eye 0.2 mm.
P r o n o t u m 1.34x as wide as long with areolate surface, the areolae smaller than those of paranota; lateral margins sinuate, constricted anteriorly, paranota bilobate, flat and laterally expanded with one row of areolae on anterior and posterior part and a second row at middle; anterior disc shorter and elevated with concave anterior margin; posterior disc longer, slightly convex with three longitudinal carinae, the lateral ones shorter than the median one, only reaching to transverse impression between anterior and posterior disc; the carinae partly with indistinct small areolae; posterior margin feebly convex without a median triangular projection.
S c u t e l l u m: Small and triangular, with a low longitudinal median crest almost along its entire length.
H e m e l y t r a: Sutural area of submacropterous hemelytra overlapping and projecting over apex of abdomen; stenocostal area not developed; costal area wide, with 4 rows of larger round areolae along most of its length, basally with a 5 th row and about 11-12 transverse veins; subcostal area with 6 rows of smaller areolae at middle, its number reduced anteriorly and posteriorly,whole area divided by 6 transverse carinate veins; vein RM delimiting subcostal and discoidal areas is strongly carinate; discoidal area flat and wide, with 8 rows of small areolae at its median section and 2 carinate transverse veins dividing this area into 3 larger sections; clavus triangular, distinct and exposed, anteriorly uncovered by pronotum, separated from corium by comissura; disc with a median longitudinal carina, lateral parts with 5 almost regular rows of areolae at the widest part; sutural area with 1 row of almost rectangular areolae along clavus and inner margin of hemelytra reaching membrane and a 2 nd one at base; membrane with 7-8 irregular rows of smaller areolae at its widest part.
V e n t r a l s i d e: Labium long, exceeding posterior coxae; abdomen narrower than hemelytra, hypocostal lamina developed.
L e g s: Femora and tibiae cylindrical, tarsi 2-segmented with curved claws.
M e a s u r e m e n t s (in mm): Length 4.1; width across hemelytra 1.85; head length / width across eyes 0.875/0.6; length of head from apex of clypeus to anterior margin of eye / width across anterior margin of eyes 0.5/0.4; length of antennae approximately 1.4; pronotum length / width at widest part 1.07/0.8, width across anterior lobe 0.725.
E t y m o l o g y: This new species is dedicated to Carsten Gröhn, who submitted this interesting specimen for our study.
D i s c u s s i o n: The new species belongs to the group of fossil Eocene species of the genus Para s inalda nov.gen. with wide bilobate paranota and multiseriate costal area: P. baltica (DRAKE 1950) and P. froeschneri (GOLUB & POPOV 1998). P. groehni nov.sp. is most closely related to P. baltica. It differs however by the broadly rounded anterior margin of head and larger oval eyes,by narrower posteriorly more constricted paranota with one row of areolae almost along its entire length and only few areolae in a second row at widest part, the costal area of hemelytra with 4 rows of areolae at middle section, by subcostal area with 6 rows of areolae at its widest part and by discoidal area with 8 rows of areolae at its widest part.
In males of P. baltica the anterior margin of head is narrow and bucculae are produced and not contiguous, paranota possess 2 rows of areolae along their entire length and the posterior lobe is more broadly rounded, costal area shows 3-4 rows of relatively large areolae at middle section (5-6 in female), the subcostal and discoidal areas have 6-7 and 9 rows of areolae at their widest parts respectively (GOLUB & POPOV 1998).
P. froeschneri differs from P.groehni nov.sp. at once by its much wider body (only 1,6x as long as wide across hemelytra) and broadly rounded posterior lobes of paranota, these biseriate along most of their length and by subcostal and discoidal areas with 7 and 9-10 rows of areolae at their widest parts respectively (GOLUB & POPOV 1998).
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- Figure: 10.5281/zenodo.10275005 (DOI)
- Figure: 10.5281/zenodo.10275007 (DOI)
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- Journal article: 10.5281/zenodo.10275003 (DOI)
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- Family
- Tingidae
- Genus
- Parasinalda
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hemiptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Heiss & Golub
- Species
- groehni
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Parasinalda groehni Heiss & Golub, 2013
- DRAKE C. J. (1950): Concerning the Cantacaderinae of the World. - Arthropoda 1 (2 - 4): 153 - 166.