Published December 20, 2013 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Agathis assimilis KOKUJEV 1895


Agathis assimilis KOKUJEV 1895

Agathis assimilis KOKUJEV 1895: 387; Agathis propinqua KOKUJEV 1895: 384; A. jakowlewi KOKUJEV 1895: 381; A. anchisiades NIXON 1986: 207.

D i s t r i b u t i o n i n I r a n: Guilan (GHAHARI et al. 2012a), Semnan (GHAHARI et al. 2009c).

D i s t r i b u t i o n o u t s i d e I r a n Austria (FISCHER 1968 as A. propinqua; SHENEFELT 1970; YU et al. 2012), Azerbaijan, Korea, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Switzerland, Ukraine (KOKUJEV 1895 as A. propinqua; YU et al. 2012), Bulgaria, England (NIXON 1986; YU et al. 2012), Caucasia, France, Germany, the Netherlands (SIMBOLOTTI & VAN ACHTERBERG 1999; YU et al. 2012), Croatia, Macedonia (KOKUJEV 1895 as A. propinqua; PAPP 2009a; YU et al. 2012), Europe (FISCHER 1968), Hungary (NIXON 1986 as A. anchisiades; SIMBOLOTTI & VAN ACHTERBERG 1999; YU et al. 2012), Italy (KOKUJEV 1895 as A. propinqua; FISCHER 1968 as A. propinqua; YU et al. 2012), Kazakhstan, Tajikistan (FISCHER 1968; SHENEFELT 1970; YU et al. 2012), Mongolia (KOKUJEV 1895 as A. propinqua; SHENEFELT 1970; YU et al. 2012), Montenegro (PAPP 2010; YU et al. 2012), Russia (KOKUJEV 1895 as A. jakowlewi; SZÉPLIGETI 1904 as A. jakowlewi, and A. propinqua; FISCHER 1968 as A. jakowlewi; SHENEFELT 1970; YU et al. 2012), Turkey (ZETTEL & BEYARSLAN 1992; ÇETIN ERDO AN & BEYARSLAN 2001; ÇETIN ERDO AN et al. 2009; YU et al. 2012), Uzbekistan (KOKUJEV 1895 as A. propinqua; FISCHER 1968; SHENEFELT 1970; YU et al. 2012), former Yugoslavia (PAPP 1975).

H o s t r e c o r d: Parasitoid of Coleophora astragalella ZELLER (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) (YU et al. 2012).


Published as part of N. S, Ghahari, H., F, Bassus, E, Camptothlipsis, S, Coccygidium & F, Cremnops, 2013, An annotated catalogue of the Iranian Agathidinae and Brachistinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), pp. 1873-1901 in Linzer biologische Beiträge 45 (2) on pages 1875-1876, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10273944


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Agathis assimilis KOKUJEV, 1895 sec. S, Ghahari, F, E, S & F, 2013


  • KOKUJEV N. R. (1895): Fragments Braconologiques IV-V. - Trudy Russkago Entomologicheskago Obshchestva 29: 363 - 392.
  • NIXON G. E. J. (1986): A revision of the European Agathidinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). - Bulletin of the British Museum Natural History (Entomology). Ser. 52 (3): 183 - 242.
  • GHAHARI H., FISCHER M. & V. TOBIAS (2012 a): A study on the Braconidae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) from Guilan province, Iran. - Entomofauna 33 (22): 317 - 324.
  • GHAHARI H., GADALLAH N. S., CETIN ERDO AN O., HEDQVIST K. J., FISCHER M., BEYARSLAN A. & H. OSTOVAN (2009 c): Faunistic note on the Braconidae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) in Iranian cotton fields and surrounding grasslands. - Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control 19 (2): 115 - 118.
  • FISCHER M. (1968): Uber gezuchtete Raupenwespen (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). - Pflanzenschutz-Berichte 37 (7, 8, 9), 97 - 140 (key for Agathis, Palearctic species, as far as Mongolia, China).
  • SHENEFELT R. D. (1970): Pars 6. Braconidae 3, Agathidinae, pp. 307 - 428. In: FERRIERE Ch., van der VECHT J. (eds), Hymenopterorum catalogus (nova editio) The Hague: Dr W. Junk.
  • SIMBOLOTTI G. & C. VAN ACHTERBERG (1999): Revision of the western Palaearctic species of the genus Agathis LATREILLE (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Agathidinae). - Zoologogische Verhandelingen Leiden 325: 1 - 167.
  • PAPP J. (2009 a): contribution to the braconid fauna of the former Yugoslavia, V. Ten subfamilies (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). - Entomofauna 30 (1): 1 - 36.
  • PAPP J. (2010): Contribution to the braconid fauna of the former Yugoslavia VI (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). - Entomofauna 31 (25): 389 - 404.
  • SZEPLIGETI G. (1904): Ubersicht der Gattungen und Arten der palaarktischen Braconiden. - Mathematische und Naturwissenschaftlichen Berichte aus Ungam 19 (1901): 145 - 203.
  • CETIN ERDO AN O., VAN ACHTERBERG C. & A. BEYARSLAN (2009): On the zoogeographical Distribution of the genus Agathis LATRE LLE 1804 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Agathidinae) in Turkey. - Journal of Entomological Research Society 11 (1): 17 - 25.
  • PAPP J. (1975): Contribution to the Braconid fauna of Yugoslavia (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) II. - Folia Entomologica Hungarica Rovartani K. zlemenyek (Series Nova) 28 (2): 301 - 319.