Supplementary Materials for Linkage mapping of root shape traits associated with market class in two biparental carrot populations
This repository contains Supplementary Materials including Figures, Tables and others to support the findings presented in the forthcoming publication titled "Linkage Mapping of Root Shape Traits Associated with Market Class in Two Carrot Populations."
Supplementary Material 1 comprises Supplementary Figures S1 to S12.
Supplementary Material 2 encompasses Supplementary Tables S1 through S4.
Supplementary Material 3 presents a multiple sequence alignment to conserved Tonneu Recruiting Motifs (TRMs) for four previously uncharacterized predicted carrot genes: DCAR_008585 (LOC108208046), DCAR_017186 (LOC108220104), DCAR_021448 (LOC108228003), and DCAR_027681 (LOC108200088).
Supplementary Material 4 provides the amino acid sequences of known regulators of shape in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and predicted genes in carrot (Daucus carota var. sativus) with sequence homology to the shape regulon OFP-TRM and IQD for the assembly GCA_001625215.1, bioproject PRJNA268187.
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