Published December 4, 2023 | Version v1
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In Their Own Words: The Camp Newspapers of Civilian Conservation Corps Company 3840: Camp SCS-26-A, Patagonia, AZ, 1939–1941

  • 1. WordHunting, LLC


The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was one of the US federal government's New Deal programs, designed to combat the harsh conditions of the Great Depression by putting young, unemployed men to work on projects to conserve the nation's natural resources. The CCC strove to educate these men and prepare them for jobs outside the CCC while they worked on projects to combat soil erosion, improve the nation's forests, build roads, and develop public parks. This publication is a transcription of the CCC camp newspapers of Camp SCS-26-A, Patagonia, Arizona, US, including indices and a short history of the CCC program and the camp newspapers.


CCC Camp Newspapers SCS26A - Patagonia, AZ.pdf

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