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Published December 4, 2023 | Version 2.0.0
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IPBES TCA Chapter 2. Systematic literature review on visions of nature / IPBES transformative change assessment (2.3)

  • 1. Georgia State University
  • 2. ROR icon Université de Montpellier


The review corresponds to the chapter 2 "Visions of a sustainable world – for nature and people" of the IPBES transformative change assessment. Scoping document (IPBES-8/1 Annex II) outlines that chapter 2 will examine the challenges of transformative change for nature and people, which involves integrating science-based and indigenous and local knowledge-based understandings of biodiversity and nature's contributions to people, considering normative ethics, diverse worldviews, and collective values for a sustainable future. The assessment will explore various attainable values, visions, and scenarios for a sustainable world, examining their connections to existing scenarios.

In this context, a systematic literature review was conducted using a keyword-based search focused on visions of transformative change related to biodiversity and nature, contributions to people (NCP) and good quality of life.



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