Synbranchus marmoratus Bloch 1795
- 1. Escuela de Biología, Museo de Zoología / Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Ecología Tropical (CIBET) and Centro de
- 2. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, 480 Wilson Rd # 13, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA joel. t. betts @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6018 - 8995
- 3. Unidad de Gestión Técnica de Proyectos - Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales y de Cooperación Externa (ORICE / UGETEP),
- 4. Universidad Americana (UAM, Costado Noroeste Camino de Oriente, Managua, Nicaragua edgar. ecologica @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 8148 - 3195
- 5. Department of Environment and Development, Zamorano Biodiversity Center. Zamorano University of Tegucigalpa, P. O. Box 93, Honduras evandenberghe @ zamorano. edu; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7566 - 0415
- 6. Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH). Chicago, Illinois, United States of America delias @ fieldmuseum. org; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 4215 - 0384 cmcmahan @ fieldmuseum. org; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2113 - 8554
Synbranchus marmoratus Bloch 1795. Marbled Swamp Eel; Anguila, Anguila de Pantano, Anguila de Suampo, Anguila de Lodo, Anevila, Anguila Falsa, Culebra, Anguila de Pantano Moteada
Vouchers: UCR 0184-008 (2), 0190-006 (1), 0268-005 (1), 0275-004 (1), 0461-012 (4), 0539-004 (1), 0543-001 (4), 1056-002 (1) and 3131-002 (1); FMNH 314 (1); LSUMZ 15391 (1); other collections: CUMV 53917 (1), IBUNAM 13851 (1), KU 21651 (1), LACM 9738-1 (2), UMMZ 180623 (1) and 199640 (1), MVZ 30587 (1), SIO 15-2552 and (1) TCWC 254701. Distribution: North, Central and South America; from southern Mexico to northern Argentina, Atlantic and Pacific drainages; (Nicaragua) Co, UI, WK, Pr, GM, KP, Es, BF, IM, To, Sa, SJ, RF, LN (Atlantic), Ch, Ne, ER, PN and Ni (Pacific); 0–711 masl; Sec, Pot. Occurrence and conservation status: Nat; LC (2019), population trend unknown. Literature: Astorqui (1975: 151; brief description, including illustrations and an identification key, and information on distribution and ecology), Villa (1982: 157; detailed description, including illustrations and an identification key, and information on distribution and ecology), Carr & Giovannoli (1994: 113; brief description, including information on distribution and ecology), Bussing (1998: 260; brief description, including illustrations and an identification key, and information on distribution, with a map, and ecology), Gros & Miguel-Frithz (2010: 211; brief description, including illustrations, and information on distribution and ecology, plus indigenous science and ethnoichthyology), van den Berghe (2015: 39; listed, including an illustration and information on distribution and ecology) and Angulo (2021: 40; listed, including information on distribution).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Synbranchidae
- Genus
- Synbranchus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Synbranchiformes
- Phylum
- Chordata
- Scientific name authorship
- Bloch
- Species
- marmoratus
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Synbranchus marmoratus Bloch, 1795 sec. Angulo, Betts, González-Alemán, Castañeda, Berghe, Elías, Mcmahan & Matamoros, 2023
- Villa, J. (1982) Peces nicaraguenses de agua dulce. Editorial Union Cardoza y Cia. Ltda, Managua, 253 pp.
- Carr, A. F. Jr. & Giovannoli, L. (1994) The fishes of the Choluteca drainage of southern Honduras. Ceiba, 35 (2), 95 - 115.
- Bussing, W. A. (1998). Freshwater fishes of Costa Rica. Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose´, Costa Rica, 468 pp.
- Gros, P. M. & Miguel-Frithz, N. (2010) Conocimientos del pueblo Mayangna sobre la convivencia del hombre y la naturaleza: peces y tortugas: Peces y Tortugas. 1740280773 Vol. 1. UNESCO, Paris, 284 pp.
- van den Berghe, E. (2015) Peces de la cuenca del ri´o Punta Gorda, vertiente del Caribe de Nicaragua. Revista Nicaraguense de Biodiversidad, 3, 1 - 55. [http: // www. bio-nica. info / RevNicaBiodiv / 03 - VandenBerghe-PecesPuntaGorda-final. pdf]
- Angulo, A. (2021) New records and range extensions to the Costa Rican freshwater fish fauna, with an updated checklist. Zootaxa, 5083 (1), 1 - 72, https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 5083.1.1