Published November 3, 2023 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Trichia affinis de Bary 1870

  • 1. Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru & ifrant 01 @ gmail. com, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 2406 - 7862
  • 2. Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru & Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Plaza de Murillo 2, 28014 Madrid, Spain & ivangarciacunchillos @ gmail. com, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5830 - 7529
  • 3. Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru & Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Plaza de Murillo 2, 28014 Madrid, Spain & dwbasanta @ gmail. com, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7700 - 8399
  • 4. Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru & Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Plaza de Murillo 2, 28014 Madrid, Spain & Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru & lado @ rjb. csic. es, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6135 - 2873 * Corresponding Author & Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru


162. * Trichia affinis de Bary, in Fuckel, Jahrb. Nassauischen Vereins Naturk. 23-24: 336 (1870)

Specimens examined. PERU. Ancash: Bolognesi, Huallanca, route PE-3N, km. 393, 3695 m, 9º52′33”S, 76º57′37”W, 16 May 2018, leaves of Puya sp., Lado 26878 (MA-Fungi 97640), leaves and stems of Werneria nubigena, Lado 26882 (MA-Fungi 97644). Huaraz, Independencia, Piruruyoc, route AN-14, km 119, 4015 m, 9º33′51”S, 77º35′44”W, 9 May 2018, debris of grasses, Lado 26103 (MA-Fungi 96907, USM), Lado 26104b (MAFungi 96909). Huari, Huari, Colcas, 10 km south of Huamparán, 3084 m, 9º18′55”S, 77º10′02”W, 12 May 2018, leaves and woody debris, Lado 26402 (MA-Fungi 97191). Recuay, Ticapampa, Catac, route AN-110, km 8, 3735 m, 9º45′46”S, 77º23′49”W, 11 May 2018, stems of Scirpus sp., Lado 26274 (MA-Fungi 97076). Ayacucho: Huamanga, Acocro, route PE-3S, km 447, Sachabamba, 4183 m, 13º24′05”S, 74º03′41”W, 21 Apr 2017, stem of Puya raimondii, Lado 24935a (MA-Fungi 96133). Vinchos, route PE-28B, km 296, Casacancha, 4 km north of Arizona, 3451 m, 13º17′39”S, 74º19′29”W, 23 Apr 2017, leaves of Cortaderia jubata, Lado 25048 (MA-Fungi 96235), leaves and branches of Eucalyptus sp., Lado 25083 (MA-Fungi 96269). Cusco: Anta, Chinchaypujio, Chinchaypujio, Km 33, 3185 m, 13º38′16”S, 72º13′22”W, 17 Apr 2016, twigs, Lado 24450 (MA-Fungi 95788). Chinchaypujio, Chinchaypujio, Km 28, 3475 m, 13º36′46”S, 72º13′11”W, 17 Apr 2016, twigs, Lado 24459 (MA-Fungi 95796), leaves, Lado 24465 (MAFungi 95801). Canchis, San Pablo, Sicuani, Santa Bárbara, route to Sibinacocha lagoon, Km 27, 4123 m, 14º06′59”S, 71º09′48”W, 14 Apr 2016, leaves and stem of grasses, Lado 24281 (MA-Fungi 95624). Marangani, Aguas calientes, route PE-3S, Km 1137, 4057 m, 14º27′01”S, 71º04′36”W, 22 Apr 2016, leaves of Puya sp., Lado 24630a (MA-Fungi 95900). Cusco, Pisac, Tambomachay, route PE-28G, Km 11, 3763 m, 13º28′53”S, 71º57′50”W, 16 Apr 2016, bark of Polylepis sp., Lado 24345 (MA-Fungi 95688), Lado 24373 (MA-Fungi 95714). Espinar, Pichigua, Yauri, km 7, 3927 m, 14º44′48”S, 71º21′55”W, 16 Apr 2016, leaves and stems of Festuca orthophylla, Lado 24679 (MA-Fungi 95946), Lado 24688 (MA-Fungi 95953). Huancavelica: Huaytara, Pilpichaca, route PE-28A, km 170, Chaupi, 4347 m, 13º27′43”S, 75º01′59”W, 19 Apr 2017, leaves of Festuca sp., Lado 24817 (MA-Fungi 96024). Huanuco: Dos de Mayo, Shunqui, La Unión, Chalcan, route PE-3N, km. 362, 3150 m, 9º46′43”S, 76º48′20”W, 19 Apr 2017, leaves of Solanum sp., Lado 26884 (MA-Fungi 97646). Junin: Concepción, San José de Quero, route PE-24, km 212, Abra Negro Bueno, 4620 m, 12º08′36”S, 75º37′05”W, 28 Apr 2017, leaves of grasses, Lado 25480 (MA-Fungi 96633). Huancayo, El Tambo, route 108, km 17, 1 km southwest of Acopalca, 3790 m, 11º59′38”S, 75º06′49”W, 27 Apr 2017, leaves of Polylepis sp., Lado 25406 (MA-Fungi 96565), leaf of Puya sp., Lado 25470 (MA-Fungi 96623). Junin, Junin, route PE-3N, km 67, Huayre, Chinchaycocha lake, 4061 m, 11º02′48”S, 75º59′52”W, 27 Apr 2017, leaves of Jarava ichu (grass), Lado 25625 (MA-Fungi 96779), Lado 25626 (MA-Fungi 96780). Tarma, La Unión, route PE-3N, km 30, Palcamayo, 4050 m, 11º20′07”S, 75º53′17”W, 30 Apr 2017, leaves of Jarava ichu (grass), Lado 25607 (MA-Fungi 96762), Lado 25609 (MA-Fungi 96764). Yauli, Santa Bárbara de Carhuacayan, near the junction to Chuqui, route PE-20A, km 183, 4418 m, 11º08′49”S, 76º25′55”W, 21 May 2018, grasses (Festuca sp.), Lado 27156 (MA-Fungi 97904). Santa Bárbara de Carhuacayán, route PE-20A, km 170, 4554 m, 11º14′14”S, 76º27′00”W, 21 May 2018, grasses (Festuca sp.), Lado 27162 (MA-Fungi 97908). Lima: Huarochiri, Chicla, Casapalca, Abra Anticona, Tictcocha lake, route PE-22, km 129, 4746 m, 11º36′20.9”S, 76º11′50.2”W, 23 Sep 2012, leaves of tillering grass (Pennisetum sp.), Lado 21756 (MA-Fungi 94523). Pasco: Daniel Alcides Carrión, Yanahuanca, Pocco, route PA-100, km 52, 4138 m, 10º38′44”S, 76º32′20”W, 19 May 2018, grasses, Lado 27088 (MA-Fungi 97840). Pasco, Yanacancha, route PE-3N, km 122, 3 km south of Cerro de Pasco, 4354 m, 10º42′00”S, 76º14′07”W, 19 May 2018, leaves of grass, Lado 25648 (MA-Fungi 96804), Lado 25649 (MA-Fungi 96805).


Published as part of Treviño-Zevallos, Italo, García-Cunchillos, Iván, Basanta, Diana Wrigley De & Lado, Carlos, 2023, Diversity of Myxomycetes from Peru Part III: The high Andes and the altiplano, pp. 1-92 in Phytotaxa 624 (1) on page 76, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.624.1.1,


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