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Published December 4, 2023 | Version 2.0.0
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IPBES TCA Chapter 1. Literature and data review regarding the underlying causes of biodiversity loss and systemic failures / IPBES transformative change assessment

  • 1. University of Twente
  • 2. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela


The review corresponds to the IPBES transformative change assessment. The IPBES Scoping document for the transformative change assessment describes that chapter 1 should address "the direct and indirect drivers of biodiversity loss and nature deterioration, including climate change and development and environmental inequities, and how to reverse biodiversity loss and restore and safeguard nature and its contributions to people. The chapter will consider the impacts of production and consumption systems, resource use and extraction, trade and financial flows, pollution, legacies of colonialism, and of human population dynamics and social practices related to nature and the resultant distribution of material and non-material benefits, degradation of nature and vulnerabilities across global societies and scales." The section 1.2 provides evidence on the need for transformative change and responds to the above mandate. In this context, an assessment of the literature and data highlighting systemic failures conducted and is further described below.



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