Published April 20, 2022 | Version v1
Project milestone Open

3.5 & 4.6 _WP3 & WP4 UQ and AURIN Technical Report 2_June2023_Final


The purpose of this report is to showcase GeoSocial Demonstrator #1. As part of the demonstrator, we built a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) which implements the preliminary GeoSocial service design and allows the integration of selected data sources. Both the GeoSocial service and demonstrator involved an iterative approach to drawing on Agile methods. Such an approach allows outputs from different stages, comprising several activities, to feedback on the design and development of the solution in a way that caters for flexibility in functionality under time and cost constraints.


3.5 & 4.6 _WP3 & WP4 UQ and AURIN Technical Report 2_June2023_Final.pdf