Published December 1, 2023 | Version v1
Project milestone Open

3.2 & 3.3 _WP3 Technical Report 1_Aug2022 & Service Design


The Integrated Research Infrastructure for the Social Sciences (IRISS) Project aims to address the fragmentation of the Australian social science research infrastructure. One of the identified barriers hindering social research in Australia is the lack of dataset integrating information on people, places, time, and space. The IRISS Work Package 3 seeks to address this issue by developing and piloting a "proof-of-concept" data integration service called GeoSocial, which will allow researchers to enhance people-centred survey data with spatially structured data capturing information on places where these people live. Associated Work Package 4 Demonstrator 1 will showcase the features of an example integrated dataset. This report outlines the overall design of the service and its functionalities.


3.2 & 3.3 _WP3 Technical Report 1_Aug2022 & Service Design.pdf

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