There is a newer version of the record available.

Published November 30, 2023 | Version 1
Dataset Open

System transferability of a Raman-based oesophageal tissue classification


This dataset contains 560819 Raman spectra (Uncorrected_MedianFiltered_SizeMatched_SMART_x) taken from 61 oesophageal samples (sampleID) representing 51 patients (patientID). The data was acquired across three independent sites (centre) using the same make of spectrometer - Renishaw RA816 Biological Analyser (Renishaw plc, Wotton-under-edge, UK). Ostensibly the same sample was collected by all three sites (three adjacent FFPE tissue slices were obtained and regions of interest were identified by a histopathologist on one of the centres). The samples belong to one of 5 pathology classes: NSQ (0), IM(1), LGD(2), HGD(3) and AC(4). 

